Oh, Shiny Prime Minister!

Panderstein’s Monster returns to confront him.

“The original plan was eight people around the table or so, representing all the different regions, bringing forward concerns … and the first section took 45 minutes, and every single person spoke around the table,” Trudeau is heard saying in the video.


“That’s not fair. That’s not fair. That’s not the way … I’m really, really upset with this. It wasn’t for me to interrupt previous speakers, but (FSIN Chief) Bobby (Cameron), there shouldn’t have been every single person speaking for eight minutes.


“That is not the spirit of reconciliation, of the nation-to-nation relationship we’re supposed to have,” Trudeau added, noting that his “absolute time cap” was 9:05 a.m. Around 9:45 a.m. on Wednesday he addressed the party’s caucus meeting.

Ha ha ha ha ha…

48 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Prime Minister!”

  1. “That’s not fair. That’s not fair”

    Gee. Seems like everybody’s pickin’ on poor liddle Juthtin these days.

    Well, everyone except Andrew 2 percent Scheer, that is.

    1. Jamie, maybe the Conservative Party strategists have concluded Trudeau will simply hang himself all on his own, so perhaps they are holding their fire in reserve for now.

      I hear your point, but unfortunately the blind admiration for Trudeau in many parts of Canada is still so strong that going after him is almost viewed as unpatriotic. I have had people go berserk just because I point out a single, absolutely factual shortcoming of his.

      1. The fact this even got out indicates there are some in the media tiring of the word salad side show.

    2. I think with the help of your comment I just realized Scheers “plan / strategy “.
      He thinks if he’s nice to Justin people who voted for Justin will see Scheer as a good guy and vote PC in the next election.

      For that to have a HOPE of working the media would need to show Justin and all his errors.

  2. “Dammit, you’re supposed to leave most of the time for me to speak words of unparalleled wisdom with time left over for a standing ovation before we sign off with an emotional chorus of Kumbaya.”

  3. An entitled, spoiled, holier-than-thou, self-righteous man whining to a room full of entitled, spoiled, holier-than-though, self-righteous men.

    It rarely gets any better.

      1. Well said. A high ranking army officer, after a negotiating session with reserve leaders during the Oka crisis, said “when I looked at my watch they knew they had me.” My own considerable experience in this area taught me that I must learn to have unlimited patience – to end up accomplishing absolutely nothing.

    1. I would love to see the 2019 CPC campaign tag to their 2015 campaign slogan. Something like…

      2015… Justin Trudeau. Just not ready!

      2019… See? We told you so!

      Then simply add a select list of his numerous embarrassments, gaffs, scandals, lies, hypocrisies, failures, stutterings, brutal diplomatic disasters and endless broken campaign promises. There is easily enough material to do a dozen or so different versions of this ad.

      1. a select list of his numerous embarrassments, gaffs, scandals, lies, hypocrisies, failures, stutterings, brutal diplomatic disasters and endless broken campaign promises

        And what that will accomplish is to endear him to his rabid supporters even more. (“See? He’s a great leader because he’s just like us!”)

  4. The Spawn doesn’t understand the game. By conceding to the ridiculous notion of “government to government” discussions, he doesn’t understand the ramifications of him being seen as an equal to the chiefs all under the Crown. The chiefs have next to zero accountability and thanks to the Spawn in reversing Harper’s financial disclosure, even less so, while the Spawn is at least elected by a majority of Canadians who choose to vote. In a rational world the chiefs would have no more stature than small town mayors and be fully accountable under provincial legislation governing local government. Thanks to federal legislative neglect, IRs have existed untouched as dystopian racially-based federally financed socialist ghettos for generations, continuously being granted incremental group “rights” and or privileges by our equally unaccountable robed legislators (SCOC).

    1. Except, John, our PM was not “elected by a majority”. The Liberals may have a majority government because they have more than 50% of the seats in the HoC, but their actual vote count was – as a percentage of the total votes cast – slightly less than that of PM Harper.

  5. So. PM pipsqueak Longstocking is “offended” that people were actually able to speak … in more than soundbytes … to express their opinions. Nothing ANGERS a leftist more than people speaking … FREELY!

  6. Nothing a good public outburst of tears won’t solve. I don’t think Trudeau could organize a piss up at the Brewery.

  7. All good points above which in turn magnify the one that tops Justupid’s head.
    Pickleboy doesn’t know whether to shit or shine shoes if the narrative, the schedule or his ridiculous itinerary are not stuck to like Maggie on a Stone’s cock.

    1. In other words, the “Conservatives” are so close in ideology to the Liberals…there really isn’t any difference.

  8. I’m sure Trudeau came into office figuring his smarts and wokeness would usher in a new era of federal-indigenous relations, bringing harmony, prosperity, and reconciliation throughout the land.

    Not so easy, is it?

  9. They were wasting time talking about wasting time. If he didn’t bring the proper people to organize the scenario it is his own fault. What, ….the taxpayers don’t provide him with such resources?

    Hmmm, wait till Andrew Scheer hears about this.

    And what’s with the rolled shirt sleeves?

    1. “And what’s with the rolled shirt sleeves?”

      Part of the act. What else do Canadians expect from a drama teacher?

  10. The one leader said he drove 4 hours. And the plan was 1 hour total for all the leaders.
    I guess now he knows they talk a good game… yet Butts and company, really doesn’t give a fuck for his people.

  11. Well, what can I say; both the FSIN and Canada have exactly the leaders that they deserve. The logical result of decades of decisions made by us, our parents, our grand parents…

    Think about it the next time you decide what is important and what outcome you want. But I doubt it will happen.

  12. It’s funny that he thinks 30 seconds each is enough to have them air all their grievances. But whining about “fairness”? Really? The temper tantrum of an adolescent.

  13. Only mature candidates need apply. We don’t need any guys to admonish peopleskind, like they do their own little peopleskind at home. Ditto Mr 2%.

  14. The Turdo needs to make sure he is chairing the meeting with leaders who know how to present an Executive summary…
    The full transcript is not read like a campaign speech…..Boy scout circle

  15. I wish he’d use that 30 second rule on his own blathering. I find myself seriously thinking about cutting out a section of my own gut so I have something to strangle myself with.

  16. ‘I am really, really upset with this’: Trudeau, in leaked video from meeting with FSIN, unhappy with ‘time management’

    Next time they’ll be smoking weed. The meeting will ramble on longer and Trudeau will be elated.

  17. I’m going to give M. Trudeau the smallest of breaks here. It is almost certainly true that if a time limit is not set for meeting with the FSIN, the meeting would go on indefinitely. My limited experience and what I’ve been told about these people is that they almost never get to the real point. I believe that the guy, Louis, if he’s still running things in the Okanagan, stays away from these “Chiefs” for that very reason.

    1. “… My limited experience and what I’ve been told about these people is that they almost never get to the real point. …”

      You missed it. The real point is to sit around talking, eat the sandwiches provided by the taxpayers, set a time and place for the next meeting, go home and file expense claims.

  18. This meeting is a 1 hour illusion of pandering to the idea of Indian self government.
    Just like Justins Haida tattoo. Skin deep.
    Trudeau is always interested in a photo op pandering to Natives who always have their hand out yet believe that they are their own First Nation. Hahahaha. Its too f*cking hilarious. The Irony, It Burns.

    If / when Western Canada decides to separate it must become a Republic to honor the rights of the individual and the order of power that Government gets it power and rights to serve the People. Most Importantly it must sever it ties to the Monarchy and the treaties the monarchy supports.
