58 Replies to “More Pavilions At Volkfest”

  1. ” . . . gangs of masked youths rampaging across three major Swedish cities, setting cars on fire . . . arson attacks reported in Trollhättan”

    Remember SAAB!

  2. maybe ABBA can do a sing song about this.
    did they burn Saabs or imported junk?
    will the traditional burnt sacrifices be followed by a traditional night of gang banging?

    1. And “progressives” (i.e. Justin’s Liberals and Jagmeet’s NDP) think this is a wonderful example of diversity!

    1. Consider that line borrowed or stolen……although, of course, attributions will be forthcoming.

  3. August is traditionally Car-B-Que Season in France. Perhaps it is extending to other European countries now.

  4. For years … my liberal friends have defended Socialism by pointing to Sweden as the prime example of how successful Socialism can be. They point out how “happy” the Swedes are, how their longevity is longest in the world, educational status best in the world, infant mortality lowest in the world, lowest crime rate, highest standard of living, etc. etc.

    My counterpoint has always been that Sweden is a small, monolithic (culturally, and racially) culture. A closed system, like a “family”. A high quality family. A high functioning family. I kept telling my gloating liberal friends what would happen to Sweden … if and when they admitted vast numbers of immigrants from … frankly, shithole countries … as does the USA. I warned that all those GREAT statistics would crater.

    Well … Sweden decided to test my theory in an effort to refute it. They’ve LOST the bet. I win. The Swedish people (my people) LOSE.

    1. For years … my liberal friends have defended Socialism by pointing to Sweden as the prime example of how successful Socialism can be. They point out how “happy” the Swedes are, how their longevity is longest in the world, educational status best in the world, infant mortality lowest in the world, lowest crime rate, highest standard of living, etc. etc.

      That happened here in Canada some 50 years ago. Many Canadians still remember when the federal government ran a series of ads on TV to encourage us to be more physically active. The program was called Participaction and those ads claimed that the average 30-year-old Canadian was as fit as an average 60-year-old Swede.

        1. I remember hearing about that. Considering that PET was PM when those ads ran, should we be surprised at the deception?

    2. “For years … my liberal friends have defended Socialism by pointing to Sweden as the prime example of how successful Socialism can be…”

      Yes, there was very clearly a “progressive” Canadian crush on all things Swedish – including their neutrality.

      Oddly though, when I used to point out the no-nonsense Swedish defence posture, backed by conscription, supported by a well-developed national armaments, shipbuilding and fighter aircraft industry, no one seemed much interested in whether or not Canada might benefit from something like that too.

      1. Yeah, the Swedes back then thought good armed forces were essential to their independence.

      2. Nor was Sweden “neutral” in WW2, but she did cash in:

        ”Sweden was not neutral, Sweden was weak,” said Arne Ruth, a Swedish journalist who has written a book on the Third Reich. ”Its sales of iron ore made an important contribution to the German effort. It allowed German troops and weaponry through its territory to Norway. In 1943, its government told the central bank to ignore suspicions that German gold Sweden received was looted. What is interesting is that all these facts, more or less known for some time, are commanding such attention now.”


    3. Kenji, in the late 80T’s or early 90T’s there was an excellent article titled the failure of svedish socialism, in 1993 the swedes restructured their “socialism” to stave off collapse of the system. Today, the Nordic countries do not have actual socialism, they have a mix of socialism/capitalism, other wise the whole kit and kabootle would have collapsed. Pure socialism self destructs!!!,

    4. Even before the immigrants, Sweden wasn’t really an example of successful Socialism. Before Socialism, Sweden was a great country, for all the reasons you mentioned, essentially a high quality, intelligent, hard working family. What Sweden proved was that a country like that can withstand the malaise of Socialism better than other countries that did not start out with such advantages.

      The flattening of the Swedish society under Socialism was gilding the lily. Economically, it was already flat. But what the essentially confiscatory income tax on the higher brackets (over 90% if I recall) did was to destroy any incentive to better oneself (albeit from an admittedly high plateau), so Sweden became intellectually stagnant, and emotionally suffered from ennui.

      When President Reagan said Sweden had a high suicide rate, it did. Its suicide rate in the 80’s was twice as high as now. It did have one of the highest rates, if not the highest. This was particularly jarring because it was supposed to have been such a perfect society. Why would anyone kill himself to escape? So why is it less now? Perhaps 20 years after the introduction of Socialism, many Swedes still couldn’t accept it. But 50 years after, they may be finally resigned to it, or maybe it is not really as doctrinaire Socialism now as thirty years ago. That is, until the effects of “multiculturalism” perhaps manage to jolt them from their ennui.

      1. One of my Nieces married a really brilliant young physicist whose father has created multiple high tech testing equipment businesses … and done quite well $$$. Her husband was wooed by a Denmark firm to come work with them. Talk about cultural SHOCK!! This couple had the typical (leftist Bay Arean) image of Denmark as a Socialist paradise where all the people were happy, satisfied, and had the highest quality of life. And my Niece was thrilled to return to the homeland of her ancestors. What they found was a country mired in some sort of foggy malaise. Where nobody was much motivated to do much of anything. This hard-working, highly-motivated young man couldn’t WAIT to get OUT of Denmark. He found the whole environment STIFLING and SUFFOCATING to “advancement” of any kind. Funny thing … the PROFIT motive (American capitalism) is one hell of a motivator. No wonder MOST all technological advancement comes from the USA.

  5. Looks like someone got some bad lutefisk.

    How they could tell it was bad it’s beyond me.

    1. I once asked on a thread which of the three was worst, lutefisk, vegemite, or haggis. I actually got someone who had the misfortune to have had all three. He voted for lutefisk.
      Of course there are other candidates: Fukien fermented shrimp paste, durian, limburger cheese. I only had the misfortune to have tasted the first, but merely smelling the other two was more than enough.

      1. Vegemite is just a cheap Aussie knock off of Marmite. There is no better evening snack than Marmite spread with melted butter on rye bread toast.

  6. They burn them because they failed at stealing them so they could play Ramavan With Infidels.

  7. Police spokeswoman Ulla Brehm: “This morning we have already started talking to parents to the young people who were at the site. We chose not to arrest anyone but identified them and talked to them.”

    You made your bed, now you get to lay in it.

    1. “………..but identified them and talked to them.”

      Not to harshly I hope. Wouldn’t want to break their enterprising spirit and all that.

  8. Sweden. A small country far away about which little is known.
    Let’s just leave them be.

  9. They might get into trouble this time…
    …..if they had raped a baby, not so much, they would just call it sex ed

    1. Not sure what happened to them, but the Swedish synchronized diving team just announced their retirement from the Canucks!

  10. The current left-leaning prime minister, in Sweden, given the mass car-blazes, said “I am really mad. What are they (the rioters) up to?”. So it seems that he has been listening to Toronto Mayor John Tory’s faux outrage, after the Danforth shootings.

  11. Diversity is neither good nor bad in and of itself; it’s just a demographic statistic which might manifest positive aspects in some situations but might just as easily manifest negative ones in others.

    However, once you choose to elevate it to the status of a national value, it can no longer be permitted to have any negative aspects.

    That’s when official obfuscation sets in big time.

    1. Diversity is neither good nor bad…of course it is…..for one thing when diversity starts to replace a traditional culture…on their home turf….someone is going to get pissed off and rightly so…they didn’t move…it was shoved down their throat

      …Sweden gets what they deserve….what did the idiots expect when they import millions from third world countries…can’t give them jobs because they have no language, education, cultural, or any other kind of skills…and then can’t figure out “what are they up to”…when they are in dead in lives with no future, stuck on being dependent on minimum handouts

      The idiots left these countries thinking they would get higher paying jobs…not realizing someone smart in Somalia….is one IQ point above a turnip in Sweden

    2. When it becomes multiculturalist extremism, yes. Maxime Bernier is 100% right. There is a MASSIVE difference between immigration, and externally imposed Balkanisation. JT is a multicultural extremist.

  12. A bunch of Swedes just learned that Swedish meatballs originated in Turkey.

  13. And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
    “And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
    “Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.
    “So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.”


    This is insane…

    1. No really, it tastes good. Just spinkle a little sugar on it and you’ll enjoy the benefits.

      I find articles like this actually painful to read….. they just seem to ramble on and on. Here’s the summary in case you don’t want to read all 20 thousand words:

      Multiculturalism is good though it doesn’t seem that way. In looking back over history, it has never succeeded but we must keep trying. The End.

  14. I don’t know why beatings, rubber bullets, tear gas, and if that doesn’t work, supersonic lead aren’t used. Every time they do it without a response their numbers will grow and the acts will get more extreme.

    1. If the police were within range of stone throwers then the stone throwers were within range of police bullets. Take some down.

  15. And I notice how in the linked piece they refer to the surging populist groups as “extreme”. It’s extreme, evidently, to want your own country back. Yeah, ‘extreme’ and ‘controversial’ eh? Oh, and Jordan Peterson is — another wonderful word — polarizing, like my sunglasses.

    No arrests eh? Talk to the parents? How about shoot to maim and kill.

    1. The notion that a country is a club exclusively for some of a certain background is outdated, collectivist, and evil. It’s a notion that is being thrown in the trash.

  16. You can bring a turd worlder out of a shithole but you can’t bring the shithole out of a turd worlder.

  17. I can’t see how they’ll turn this around in Sweden. Mass expulsion from the country doesn’t seem to be in the cards yet, yet allowing them to stay and “hope for the best” is going to embolden them, and provide fuel for this fire.

    So, how many years until actual widespread unrest (mass, multi thousands rioting, then civil war). These events are still in the minor unrest category, though scattered. I know it’s impossible to guess. One day they’re civilized swedes, the next week there are a million of them pushing these terrorist types into the sea. After all, they’re not going to be put on airplanes and flown peacefully to where they’ve come from.

    It amounts I suppose, to when will the revolution occur? And nobody knows how deeply these people will snap, nor when.

    If they won’t snap, they’ll lose the country. They’ll be at the mercy of those same youths.
    If only there was a Husqvarna rifle factory around somewhere to aid them …

    1. Marc in Calgary – I suspect that before this is through, it will be the muzzies pushing the Swedes into the sea.

  18. Because of their own stupidity and self-loathing, I am completely enjoying the total destruction of the Swedish culture and their cities and the Swedish people who have allowed this happen.

    If only this could serve as an example of what NOT to do with these muslims hordes of actual fecal matter. But it won’t. The progressive mind is incapable of progress. They will all die.

    1. So easily predictable. So pathetic. You have never found a mooselimb terrorist, rapist or rioter you did not like.
