“In the midst of this death rattle has come a group of thinkers”

That night, my son tried to explain the thing to me, but it was a buzzing in my ear, and I wanted to talk about something more interesting. It didn’t matter; it turned out a number of his friends—all of them like him: progressive Democrats, with the full range of social positions you would expect of adolescents growing up in liberal households in blue-bubble Los Angeles—had watched the video as well, and they talked about it to one another.

38 Replies to ““In the midst of this death rattle has come a group of thinkers””

  1. Go ahead… have a debate of ideas, “bring it” as was commonly said a decade ago.

    … my kids and ex wife, have all read Dr. Peterson’s most recent book, and have found it to be an enjoyable read, with no real dissent from any of them. I take that as a good sign, perhaps as “a win”.

  2. Usually I find The Atlantic full of left wing angst and hate. Who let them publish common sense?

    1. Because it is a clarion call to; Apple, Google, Fackebook to SILENCE the thinkers (conservative thinkers).

      Whatever was happening, it was happening on a scale and with a rapidity that was beyond the ability of the traditional culture keepers to grasp. When the left finally realized what was happening, all it could do was try to bail out the Pacific Ocean with a spoon.

      A call to the “non-traditional gate keepers” (?) to get busy. The left has had their heads buried in nonsensical orthodoxies such as … “the leftists are smarter and better educated than the right”. “The right wing are all dim-witted, rubes clinging to Bibles and guns”. Wrong! Their own dismissive attitudes have left them devoid of any legitimate intellectual challenge. Only the hardcore left read the NYT’s anymore. Goodbye “traditional gatekeeper”.

      Next step, ONLY step … CENSORSHIP. Start “gatekeeping”, nay “shut-down” conservative broadcasts such as Prager-U on the false pretense of “shocking” and “unsettling” content. The left have nothing left to say … so their only option is to STOP the right from speaking. STOP the First Amendment to the US Constitution. Trash the entire Constitution as an outdated construct of white pioneer, settlers. Yes, they’ve LOST the plot. Lost the argument.

      1. Their algorithms will erode their shareholder value. No need for top down oversight, free enterprise and all that.

        These oligarchies will break themselves, imho.

        One look at the bureaucratic model of decision making shows the pestilence of groupthink

  3. The “left” isn’t afraid of Jordan Peterson. If they were afraid of him they’d be sane, but if they were sane they wouldn’t be the left- like Catch 22. It’s the evil sociopathic career politicians who manipulate the insane left that are afraid that Peterson will diminish their power. But they need not fret because as long as we’re plagued with this senescent stage of a warped democracy, which is more akin to oligarchy, then those “charismatic” sociopaths will reign.

  4. “All of these young people, without quite realizing it, were joining a huge group of American college students who were pursuing a parallel curriculum, right under the noses of the people who were delivering their official educations.”
    Which is why they’ve taken action to block, as much as possible, any such ideas from social media.

  5. Peterson merits his own category, although I’m sure he’d appreciate “Freespeechers”.

    Outside of Canada, he might be more well-known than our PM. And with much more impact.

  6. I can’t even count the times I’ve seen the post secondary educated left change tracks as soon as they gain long term employment, pay taxes, own a home, and have a family. Its almost as if you see the light come on behind their eyes. Things just *click*.

    1. It’s instinctive, Buz. When you actually get a pay stub and see wha’t been taken off, that’s when the doubts start. Human nature, eh?
      “Many hands maketh a light paycheque.”

    2. You nailed it, Buzz. I’m 71 but remember well when I switched almost overnight from a left NDP supporter (put up signs & canvassed door to door for Stephen Lewis) to a right Conservative supporter. It was the mid-1980s … married, 2 little kids (my wife was their full-time mom) and a mortgage the size of the national debt … I was mid-30s in age and a mid-level marketing manager, sitting at our dining room table one Sunday afternoon with stacks of paper and a calculator doing our income taxes. Our tax rate was over 40%. I wondered how the h3ll did THAT happen?!?! …”I’m paying the taxes for our family plus some other family I’ve never even met!” That was it … I fired the NDP and have voted Conservative and Republican (now a dual citizen) even since. Love Trump (MAGA!) and Doug Ford (MOGA!). Collisions with the real world (jobs; kids; housing; kid’s education; TAXES) will eventually beat some sense into the heads of many $#!t-for-brains millennials …I’m seeing it in my own kids (early 40s) as they raise their kids and have to deal with the public school system. There IS some hope …the pendulum IS beginning to swing back.

      1. I too switched from being an enthusiastic NDP supporter to being a staunch Conservative. Moving from a job in the public sector to the private sector was a pivotal moment for me. Suddenly I was aware of government excess and waste. Unfortunately, I seem to be one of very few Conservatives in my peer group. Maybe I need to get a new peer group, but instead, for the time being, I try to enlighten them. Does not seem to work. I may have alienated a couple of women the other day as they were ranting about Trump. I said I did not mind him so much and proceeded to defend him. Then they almost fell off their chairs when I told them global warming was a crock. They are nice women. I hope I have not shocked them too much.

  7. Freedom of speech is scary to many, but its especially scary to the neo-Marxists. Free speakers are free thinkers are individuals with liberty. All are a threat to the neo-Marxist future nightmare. Thanks to JP and all the rest for saving some young people from thralldom.

  8. Peterson is an independent thinker.
    As you may well know, he will comment on any subject that he is asked. He will state his position not worrying if it is the correct according to the current or prevailing view.
    Peterson will state his point without fear and will say that he may be wrong and will accept the consequences of his position whatever they may be. This in itself is very disarming to his opponents.
    Their idea is that they are right and everyone else is wrong and there will be no argument about it.
    Peterson will expand on what’s wrong with their ideas and politely with good argument tell them they suck.

    You may have noticed in his debates how patient he can be to listen to the educated nonsense that comes at him.
    Then thinks live and demolishes their argument if necessary.
    The thing is that the guy is well read in variety of subjects and has various studies in his head and uses it to completely and politely disarm his opponents.
    Just ask Newman and Dyson, not the vacuum cleaner though the analogy could fit.

  9. Hope Peterson is cautious as his speeches penetrate the cloud of leftist dogma as to his personal safety. As we all know the left will react with violence if it perceives a threat.

    As Kate writes: On the right we have John A. Macdonald, Winston Churchill and the American Founding Fathers, on the left 261,000,000 dead people.

    1. Yeah, a gun man went to a freaking Congressional ball practice. You are correct that an attempt on Peterson is a matter of ‘when’, not ‘if’.

      It is the reason that people like Thomas Sowell lived decades of their life basically in hiding. Because all socialists care about, is how many they get to murder before they die. Body count is the only goal of socialists; without exception.

    2. Exactly. I expect that Soros and Brock have already discussed how best to get rid of Peterson.

      Kate is right, and our society seems hell bent on reliving Lenin’s utopia experiment. I just don’t want my family to have the somewhat less than enjoyable experience again. If Peterson can in some measure prevent this by giving pause to thousands of potential Nestor Makhnos I will support him anyway I can.

  10. Peterson has become a global phenomenon and perhaps the world’s most famous Canadian. So how does our national broadcaster cover him?

    Mostly by ignoring him. But when they do get around to some coverage, here are the top three stories on a Google search of “CBC Jordan Peterson.”

    1) Jordan Peterson exemplifies the harm in our love for male genius

    2) Is Jordan Peterson dangerous?

    3) Jordan Peterson sits down with the CBCâ s Wendy Mesley to talk about political polarization, Pepe the Frog and his support from the far right.

    It can never be said enough that the CBC is appalling. If you invented a machine to make Canadians less knowledgeable about the world, it would look like the CBC.

    1. I think Peterson is a great candidate for a GG award, but I do not believe they give GG’s to conservatives. Must be one of the rules. Look how the snub Don Cherry.

  11. Except Peterson is a leftist himself. He’s an Agenda 21 UN supporter, harbors megalomaniacal delusions of himself, amongst other issues. Just because he sees how far the left has gone doesn’t mean he isn’t one. How many conservatives disliked much of Bush 43’s policies and sought to discuss them? Yeah, just about all.

    1. I have watched a great number of his videos and interviews and have never heard him express support for the left or Agenda 21. Like Lev says, Peterson is an independent thinker.

      Btw, the pretend conservatives have done almost as much to put our society on its destructive path as have the left and radical left.

      1. Very true as the way to power for the pretenders is to find a parade going anywhere and leap to the front, where their media comrades then insist that they where “leading the movement”.
        The real damage to society is when those who were going somewhere, believe the media spin and retreat from the foul odour of the pretender and its comrades.
        Peterson speaks for himself.
        Thank you Deplorable Sean, I do not need your summation of the man, although I now question your research.
        Have you bothered to listen to the man?
        Or read any of his work?
        Just curious.

        1. Of course. How do you think I know his nonsense?

          Religion: https://quillette.com/2018/07/23/the-peculiar-opacity-of-jordan-petersons-religious-views/

          Vox Day summarizes 12 for 12: https://voxday.blogspot.com/2018/05/12-things-i-learned-from-12-rules-of.html?m=1

          Plus, anytime your conclusions run contra to NN Taleb, you’re likely wrong. Sorry, I don’t do the personality cult of Peyerson: the man who wanted to buy a church so he could preach sermons.

    2. Deplorable Seen, there are sane and intelligent lefties. I have worked with some of those. And there are rightwing a$$holes, some post in here regularly. So yer point was??????

      1. Well, I agree there are a$$hole conservatives, but have yet to meet an intelligent leftie. They can be smart in some ways, but there is also a big hole in their thinking. Sometimes they are not logical. Other times they are not informed.

  12. Re: ” When even Barack Obama…, is moved to issue a message to the faithful, … —saying during a speech he delivered in South Africa that a culture is at a dead end when it decides someone has no “standing to speak” if he is a white man”
    To all the white leftist professors and intellectuals: remember the cultural revolution in China?
    Sooner or later the leftist Antifa stormtroopers will come for you. Who you going to call?

  13. Lots of people on the left are afraid of Mr. Peterson. And yes, even ideologues on the right. Why? Because he says things like this…

    “If your life is not what it could be, try telling the truth. If you cling desperately to an ideology, or wallow in nihilism, try telling the truth. If you feel weak and rejected, and desperate, and confused, try telling the truth. In Paradise, everyone speaks the truth. That is what makes it Paradise. Tell the truth. Or, at least, don’t lie.”

    And this…

    To tell the truth is to bring the most habitable reality into Being. Truth builds edifices that can stand a thousand years. Truth feeds and clothes the poor, and makes nations wealthy and safe. Truth reduces the terrible complexity of a man to the simplicity of his word, so that he can become a partner rather than an enemy. Truth makes the past truly past, and makes the best use of the future’s possibilities. Truth is the ultimate, inexhaustible natural resource. It’s the light in the darkness.

    See the truth. Tell the truth.”

    The truth shall set you free…

    “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except though me”… “I am the light of the world”…Jesus Christ

    1. That’s beautiful.

      In paradise everyone tells the truth. That is why no human being is worthy of it.

      Can you imagine your typical leftist telling the truth? Admitting what a loathsome worm he is? That the world would have been better off had he never been born? That his death would be no loss? That being tormented in hell for all eternity is all he deserves?

      It’s far too much to ask that your typical leftist turn to God, and be forgiven. I’ll settle for having more of them found with half their heads blown off or in a soup of dirty bath water and their own blood. Better them than any here. Let it be as God would have it anyway, not I.

      Many are called, but few are chosen. Heaven is a very exclusive establishment, and its gates cannot be breached with a ladder or a tunnel. It’s the gates of hell that are always open. The devil doesn’t discriminate—one scream of agony by a damned soul being tortured and gangraped by demons is as good as another.

  14. So the Fredericton shooting. Suspect in custody… no name… no description…

    Think we can assume Muhammad and not white.

    1. I note the press only speaks well of dead policemen. Much as they only speak well of dead Jews.

    2. The questions that the media cartel will not ask.

      The shooter,
      did he have a legal gun?
      what kind of gun did he use?
      is the gun legal to own in Canada?

      They will doubtless say that the shooter was a mental case.
      Poor sucker could not help himself.
      Get off his back people.
      Had a tough childhood.
      Poor dear.
      And on, and on, and on.

  15. I admit I’m too cheap to buy the book, but i put a hold on a copy in the library system. They had 50 copies, i clocked in around 140 in line. I think i broke the 100 mark a few days ago. I’ve never seen that kind of demand for anything else.

  16. Peterson is a bad philosopher from everything I’ve heard. He debated with Yaron Brook and others at the ARI and from what I’ve read the guy talks in circles and could tie the Pentagon’s top code breakers in knots with his muddle.

  17. This is interesting.
    The guy up sez that he heard and then he heard again.
    All he had to do go to youtube and call up Jordan Peterson.
    Then he could actually have heard the stuff coming from the horses mouth.

    But of course that would require information being thought about and digested.
    What other said and heard qualifies for something like, heard that this guy said that water is not wet and then the other guy said that it was wet but it felt like mud.
    What ever.

  18. The majority of the article is interesting, and then it falls into the “alt-right” trope at the end and everything falls apart again. So close.
