
30 Replies to “#NewRules”

  1. the comments are pure gold.
    file under ‘tit for tat’. aka ‘what goes around comes around’.
    they brought it on THEMSELVES.
    I remember a story there was a big gathering of hackers, and summbuddy at the location declared themselves ‘hack proof’. guess what happened next . . . .
    or the early years of spam spam spam, when one of the big $ makers themselves started to get copious amounts of unordered merchandise showing up @ their front door, whine whine whine.

    1. I spoke too soon.
      the comments on the 2nd link are PLATINUM.
      tq tq tq Kate for continuing to dig this stuff up.

      when I wuz a mainframe operator decades ago, I used a similar tactic to fight false accusations of not being on duty.
      I popped into the office of a wonderful conscientious and brilliant colleague and found out how to dump the contents of the system log.
      which I took to my boss after hilighting the events that could NOT have happened except by my being on duty, thus proving the accuser of being a g*^&$&mn LIAR.

  2. I guess Little Shitler Camera Hogg got swatted recently, too. These new rules are going to be fun.

  3. Good. The new rules are long overdue. Keep them off balance and hit harder.

    So, it has come to this. We knew it was only a matter of time.

  4. 1. Do something stupid or immoral or both.
    2. Get a lot of nasty blow back.
    3. Claim that you’re the victim.

    Lather, rinse, repeat

  5. The current … exhausting … anti-bullying movement … was started by bullies. Bullies who needed to invent bullies to fight. Same with so-called HATE crime victims … most of whom turn out to be hoaxsters.

  6. Are you really comparing people being exposed going to nazi rallies to journalists being harassed at home doing nothing wrong?

      1. “… Where has there been a Nazi rally in the last 50 years?…”

        oh there has been many many…in the imagination of demented leftists!

        1. The doxxing done by Huffnpuff post had nothing to do with Charlottesville.
          They doxxed a woman over the contents of her twitter account, then doxxed her entire family and their businesses, and by family I mean apparently estranged brothers and sisters, people with nothing to do with it. All with the intent of ruining them.

          How would you like if we tracked down who you were, called you a commie troll, and listed out names, workplaces, home address, and any business interests of your ENTIRE fucking family to try and ruin their lives for having the temerity of not throwing you out of a helicopter for being a commie shitlib?

          That’s the kind of behaviour we are talking about from these urinalists.

          Now remember that reciprocity is a very powerful behavioural instinct among all mammalian species, so try to engage all 4 dozen of your IQ points before being such a sleazy fuckwit troll.

        2. Remind me what happened in Charlottesville? Was it where you a$$holes started a fight and then run from it? Was it where you eventually cornered a man, assaulted him and while he was running from you he crashed his car into one of you?
          And then they all cry when there is a Challenger grill with their name on it.
          Kinda journajizmers crying about doxing.

    1. Luke Obrien doxxed Amy Meks entire family and listed their businesses, hoping to ruin the lives and careers of everyone not involved.

      Gluehuffing Post needs to be Gawkered.

  7. I hate this kind of post. Who are “red tribe people”, (Google searches reveal nothing). What is this conversation about? Is this related to the story about the HuffPo reporter who reported on @AmyMek? A little context would go a long way here.

    1. You seem genuinely bewildered. I admit I was a bit too, never having heard the term red tribe. I waded deep into the comments on the link and it is a likely reference to Republicans (the blue tribe might be Democrats). It seems as though some in the (blue) media are “doxing” (never heard that before) certain red tribe members for having gun permits etc. The red tribe is (in turn) outing the media by publishing the addresses of their family members. Hence the tit for tat. And it looks like I’m your Google bunny for this evening.

      Doxing: “to search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent.”

  8. I love the Watchmen reference in this reply:
    “We’re not locked in here with you, you’re locked in here with us”

    1. Well said Deplorable Me. I caught that comment by watchman as well, perfect.

  9. Jonah, Podhoretz, Kristol, and all the other fat slob eunuch NeverTrumpers do not approve. I hereby condemn you deplorables on their behalf.

  10. Reminder that the HuffPo only dared do this because their target was a patriot Jew, and her death would be considered no great loss to those who mattered.

    They would NEVER have printed the name of a Muslim preaching Jew-murder online, much less reported him to the police. The editors of Charlie Hebdo were themselves murdered for far less.

  11. When Hogan sued Gawker, he was awarded 140 million. 55 million for economic harm, 60 million for emotional distress, and 25 million in punitive damages. I am guessing that the family members and businesses that were doxxed for no reason won’t be able to claim the same economic harm, but the emotional distress and punitive damages would look good on the Huffinglue Post.

    1. Oh, and I just discovered that Amy Meks husband was fired after they contacted his employer, and in a strange tie in to Gawker, he worked for WWE. Is it possible to short Huffinglue Post.

  12. Spent a chunk of last night feasting on the comments,way too funny.
    Libtards annoy me,in their stupidity,they seem to believe they will never suffer from the same foul behaviour they use toward other people.
    I suspect most social justice warriors will be utterly baffled when the public finally lose patience.
    “When the Saxons began to hate”,by Kipling is also beyond their ken.
    As for the unskilled fools who openly advocate for violence as a “negotiating tool”,tis obvious they know less than nothing of what mankind has to offer on that front.
    Violence might even come as a pleasant relief from having to listen to these fools and bandits.
