13 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. Right around 3 minutes comey says that if Hillary had lied to him that she would have been prosecuted

    Immediate follow up from Baier should have been “ is that why you did not put her under oath and did not record the interview? “

    But he lets it go. Media’s modus operendi with comey. Ask tough questions but ignore the lies, don’t press it, and cover his gaffes.


  2. Absolutely amazing how much he didn’t know, couldn’t remember or was news to him. For head of the FBI with full involvement I would venture that he’s so incompetent I doubt if would qualify to stock shelves at Walmart. Either that or he’s not even a good liar. I’ll go for curtain # 2.

    1. Unfortunately for Comey, and the nation, he’s a liar and a partisan incompetent. Both curtains are set to come down on him.

  3. The behavior of a man supremely confident that he will never face consequences for his actions. Delusional or does he know something we don’t?
    I vote delusional.

    1. It would seem that the former FBI chief’s job was tap dancing, and if that is the case, he did a fine job. Seeking truth, recommending prosecution and legal consequences, not so much. What a waste of time! He looked like Lola, the fan dancer, teasing but never revealing. He always said just enough to keep his cushy pay check, but never enough to endanger his future.

  4. “Never underestimate man’S ability to explain away ….anything”
    Chuck Colson

  5. FBI didn’t know that Cheryl Mills wasn’t Hillary’s lawyer in the infamous interview?
    Top Men!

  6. Yep either a liar or so incompetent he should have been fired. The notes of an FBI director having a meeting with the president is not a work product and not subject to at least the lowest classification of confidential??? How does that work? The guy is a fool and his thieving and lying peers are protecting him.

  7. His claim he thought the Republicans funded the dossier is a pathetic attempt at escaping legal scrutiny, plus his claim the dossier, while apparently “partly” true, was GOP opposition research. The world knew it wasn’t but he didn’t?

    It’s frustrating to watch these hypocrites breach security in the most egregious ways, with Hillary laying open national secrets and with Comey leaking his discussions with the President, claiming they weren’t classified enough to warrant criminal charges, not to mention massive ethical and professional violations.

    Then to justify their actions, they point to classified evidence the public hasn’t seen, Hillary hiding behind the State Dept AG report prior to its release, and now Comey is hiding behind the secret FISA warrant application, claiming the dossier, of which he apparently had little knowledge, which had failed to vet at all, was a minor detail in the warrant application.

    Except for one thing, Mr Comey. Lots of GOP lawmakers have read the FISA warrant application, and they’re calling BS on you, the dossier in fact was the lead for the application and was the most significant aspect of it, just ask Trey Gowdy. Note that CBS is carrying this story. No matter, cue of for the great left wing cover up.

    Comey has lied to Congress, that’s what his book tour is revealing more and more every day.


  8. For a guy who says he wrote copious notes about his conversations, he sure has a lousy memory. Isn’t writing notes supposed to be an aid to recall?

    1. I have written copious meeting notes in my day, as something of a legal protection against fuzzy memories when the sh*t hits the fan … but I have NEVER written a word about the shape and location of tables … or the imagery and imagined beliefs of those in the room.

      Comey’s notes utilize a laughably transparent tactic to lend veracity to the notes … the recording of multiple needless and nonsensical facts … shape, locations, of tables … color of the drapes and whatnot. Then, the writer can embellish all other “facts” which MUST be true … since the writer recorded so many other details accurately. It’s a tactic. It’s useless information that doesn’t belong in ones notes. … “ Just the facts, Maaamm”. Didn’t douche’bag Comey ever watch Joe Friday record a witness statement?
