23 Replies to “Truth.”

  1. Or hope to God that the SCOTUS will do its job and kill this thing. I won’t feel confident in that strategy until more appointees as good or better than Gorsuch are made.
    Ultimately they should really just adopt Switzerland’s basic insurance for everyone system, or something like it. I would prefer freedom but a public option for Little Tim and a free market for everyone else seems the best remotely possible option with today’s politics.
    The fact is the GOP had seven years and failed miserably to plan for this. They are useless.

  2. Oh and Scaramucci is out 10 days after being hired. All part of Turmp’s master plan amirite?

  3. Well perhaps this is naive but why can’t they just set-up a new system in tandem with Obamacare. Open up competition across state lines, de-regulate etc..
    The AHCA would die of attrition and no one would be left wanting for options as it faded away.

  4. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) is the Chair of Energy…
    John McCain (AZ) is the Chair of Armed services…
    Collins (Maine) is the Chair of special Aging
    If you don’t Know/suspect that Mitch used them to defeat the repeal of Obama care… We would expect them to be replaced in every case…
    Mitch is the bastard…
    New Republican Senate leadership is needed , with new Chairs that are loyal to American Republicans
    Murkowski Energy bill needs to be vetted for hidden issues that clash with Trump Policy. She will betray!

  5. if the repubs “fix” ACA piecemeal, they will own the results,for better or worse, and obumbles and the dems will be off the hook. better to let it die while reminding the public it was england’s single payer socialized system that let a baby boy die while paying for sex reassignment surgery.

  6. Your question: “Oh why can’t they just be sensible?”.
    These are politicians who have two goals, their own remuneration, own personal pecadilos and the comfy chair. The outageous ones have an ideological bent, which is even more dangerous. Look a McStain voting to keep Obamacare just to upfk Trump, sod the nation’s people.

  7. Where we perennially err is in assuming that politicians give a rat’s pudendum about anything other than their own fortune. There have been far too few assassinations of the political class in the last century for them to have the slightest respect for voters and taxpayers.

  8. My hatred for McStain is surpassed only by my hatred for JugEars McFoodstamp. Fact.

  9. “Let it die or the piecemeal fix approach advocated here. The problem with the first option is no one knows what gov’t behemoth would rise from the ashes.”
    Canadian healthcare is largely a provincial responsibility so I’ve never quite understood why the US federal government got so involved in all this.
    Where are the 50 state governments? Can’t they offer their own programme(s)?

  10. I have been a lifelong Republican. I am no longer. The GOPe’s closely resemble the WORST pinko leftist in Congress. The Republican Party left ME a long time ago. I voted for Ross Perot, because G. Bush didn’t appear interested in the job. He had checked-off a life goal, so why do it twice. He was the first of a string of weak, impotent, Republican’s who moved “to the center” … just so they could LOSE. Like lukewarm Christians, they were spit out by an uninspired electorate … and now we have OUR President undermined by a small faction of RINO’s. They have got to be marginalized and shunned.

  11. Hey UrntMe; If y’all think the process of Spicer/Scaramouche/Priebus/Kelly was not carefully set-in-place; you UnMe is part of the Laughable Chaos MEME.
    UrntMe staying as Running a Dog of the Subversive Smearedia means you will never become the Paid Democrat Troll y’all want to be as the High Goal of your life.
    Y’all know the situation which set-up the Smearedia to focus on the False Narrative of Russia-Russia while the Trump Administration set up the Investigation of the Clinton Foundation; Lynch-Comey-the emails-; then the Clintons.
    No; No; UnMe;—- DJT will have as much of an impact on the way Politics is to be done as did Andrew Jackson; POTUS #06.

  12. It’s clear there’s nothing Dear Leader can do that isn’t part of some brilliantly crafted strategy. That is how cults work.

  13. To blame it on the GOP is ridiculous.
    They 100% opposed Obamacare when it was passed. There are three who wouldn’t go along with this latest vote – two because their states are massively dependent on Medicare (one of whom will be running for governor in 2018) and an old coot who has prided himself on being a maverick with an independent voting record.
    Meanwhile 100% of the Dems are in favour of the status quo. In red states several are in real trouble as Obamacare has already collapsed or is experiencing huge YOY increases. In 2018 they will be running defending pelosi AND Obamacare and trump isn’t on the ballot. They ARE worried that no bill gets passed as they will have nothing to attack.
    Also of note a GOP senator from montana cleverly put forward a resolution supporting single payer. Only four Dems voted in favour – 44 voted “present”. Look for that to be content for a nasty ad in 2018…

  14. You certainly put a lot of effort into missing the point. Look, it was the GOP’s responsibility over the past SEVEN YEARS to craft a strategy and replacement for Ocare that could pass. They failed. They have dominance of the whole Congress and can’t get crap done. They will be held responsible for the mess Obamacare has devolved into and doubly so if they pass Ocare redux as they nearly did, regardless of clever maneuverings by the Montana guy.

  15. The SCOTUS? You mean like the wise latina obama appointed? Or maybe the Clinton appointments that are still there? You thinking Ginsberg will take the lead on that? Swamp.

  16. As I have said before about 44-47 had a plan via tom price but they need a filibuster-proof vote of 60 to get it done. reconciliation only requires 50+1 (still three short) and cannot include things that are not strictly money/budget – thus things like interstate competition could not be in the bill to maybe get those final three or maybe even a couple Dems.
    The point is the GOP does have a comprehensive plan and have had it for a long time. what they don’t have is a supermajority to get it passed.
    In 2018 they have a good chance to get one.

  17. “In 2018 they have a good chance to get one. ”
    Your tears will be as sweet as mine are bitter.
    Cult of GOP vs Cult of Trump

  18. Go look at RCp and see how many dem senate seats are up for reelection in 2018. If memory serves there are 24. Over half are in red states.

  19. Problem with your thesis is that the RINO’s in the GOP were betting on Hillary to be POTUS, not DJT.
    The Establishment have a set plan and we’re running with it, they did not expect the Deplorables to rise up like a mighty wave to crash the Dem Titanic.
    They had no plan to reform, and now that Trump and the people are calling for real and meaningful change, the likes of Mitch and McCain are following the game plan of the Elite, willing to sacrifice the US to the Dem’s agenda.
    You can carry water for the Elites all you want, but sooner or later you will have to resign yourself to the fact that all you are carrying is Swamp Water.

  20. Congressional Republicans are worse than useless in America. They are not conservative, not in a fiscal sense, not in an anti-big-government sense, not even much in a cultural sense. They have no ideology or policy goals other than to campaign for their own reelection and satisfy their important donors (namely and especially the likes of the American Chamber of Commerce and other big-business interests). The American people can go hang as far as they’re concerned. When this began, sometime during or after Newt Gingrich’s tenure as Speaker, I believe.
    These Republicans are actually happier as an opposition party than as a governing party. Then they can kvetch & preen for the cameras to their heart’s content and win their reelections without having any pesky governing to do.
    If not for gerrymandering, I’d say Democrats would retake the House in 2018, since Republicans have proven so completely USELESS holding the WH & both houses of Congress thus far.
