The Liberals go shooting, again.

New laws to further restrict law-abiding owners, put in place to address criminals who are ignoring the existing laws in the first place.
Make murder illegal, Mr. Goodale, that would work better, don’t you think?

30 Replies to “The Liberals go shooting, again.”

  1. Goodale’s best before date expired 15 years ago why do people continue to elect this clown

  2. Goodale’s lips are a mess from kissing Liberal leader butt. Rumor has it he buys Chapstick by the wholesale case lot.

  3. Just wondering if the people in High River Ab. still believe that the registry has been dismantled…

  4. “The platform also vowed to enhance background checks for gun buyers and require firearm sellers to keep records of inventory and sales to help the police in gun crimes and gun trafficking crimes.” Liberal
    That is NOT a registry.. oh no… Just connect the dots and someone is not honest… Records of inventory & sales
    provided to police must be keep in a hidden/unknown database.. nothing here

  5. But almost no crime is committed with legally owned guns. There is a strange thing about criminals. They are willing to break whatever laws are passed.

  6. Never believe a Liberal policy proposal until it has been officially denied. Looking at their party platform it appeared that a lot of their proposals are already part of existing law.
    Hand guns have been restricted one way or another since the 1930s. Nothing prevents officials spearheading a blitz on known hand gun and restricted weapons caches in parts of Toronto, for example. If reporters are aware of buildings where illegal weapons are endemic, police must also know. All that’s needed is the will to act against the criminals involved.

  7. Well, we knew this was coming,didn’t we!
    These Liberals sonsofbit*hes plan to utilize the UN laws on firearms,this was evident from Trudeau’s remarks long before he took Office.
    And if you look at how they intend to stack the so-called “advisory committee”, gun owners don’t have much of a chance. They will use the scary “assault rifle” term to frighten nervous nellie Canadians into allowing the ban on any semi-auto,including the Cooey .22’s.
    Trudeau is a globalist,he worships at the shrine of the UN,the UN wants all the peasants disarmed so we’re easier to control.
    This is only the first step.

  8. many illegal handguns come here through Akwasasne First Nations Reserve Ont.
    blockade , car searches for all leaving?…racist
    TaterTot could not care less about crime…

  9. The problem is not the guns themselves. The problem is with the 2 million or so citizens who would dare to own them for non-criminal purposes. Those people are a threat and they must be put in their proper place.
    And in the liberal mind, our proper place is in a trench somewhere out in the woods.
    How deep Monsieur Trudeau?

  10. Most politicians have no clue about how to tackle crime. Looking at the demographics of perpetrators would be a good start but not politically correct so, forget that! That leaves one of the weakest political demographics in Canada, the legal gun owners. Making life harder for them is always fair game for urban politicians and it looks like you are doing something that sounds like “security” to the ignorant drones and fascists that elect them. Meanwhile the dancing monkey cheerleaders of the media give them comfort and cover, because to the institutional left, more gun control is always good.

  11. The High River Gun Grab did not prove that the long gun registry records were still available to the police.
    But just because a lesson is taught doesn’t mean it is learned. It has been demonstrated many times over in other places that although a registry of individual guns is nice to have for the purposes of bureaucratic harassment of gun owners and eventual confiscation, it isn’t necessary. A registry of gun owners/license holders is more than half the battle, and was certainly enough for the High River RCMP to go on when they decided to use the floods as an excuse to seize guns.
    Without conclusive proof that they had long gun registry data for that occasion, banging on about it is a disservice to our cause because we can be dismissed as conspiracy wackos. Meanwhile, there is something with which to score real points: when the Mounties had an important role to play in dealing with the floods, their obsession with gun control distracted them from it and they instead wasted their time (and our money) playing with our guns.

  12. “…and require firearm sellers to keep records of inventory and sales…”
    That requirement was established many years ago for gun dealers, has never gone away, and never will go away. It’s purpose is to enable the police to verify that gun dealers aren’t selling to unlicensed buyers. If the record says a gun was sold to a licensed buyer they can track the buyer down to verify the seller’s story. At present, and as long as it that requirement is only applicable to sellers with a business license, the trail is effectively dead there. That buyer can say they sold it to another private individual and there is no record.
    If the Liberals require private sellers to record details in hope that it provides a trail to follow, they’ll run into the same problem that was discovered with the old FAC system when they wanted the gun registry make use of the records the police kept of every individual firearm sale reported to them under that old system: The police had already thrown out most of the records or failed to update them, because they realised it was far too much work for any use it would ever be. Now with computer databases it would be easier but establishing it by that back door will be more difficult and much more expensive than establishing the Long Gun Registry was. And it will be impossible without admitting that they are in effect trying to re-establish the Long Gun Registry that they deny they are trying to establish.

  13. Three points. First, it is not safe to be a gun owner. To the police, it’s always open season on gun owners. They would just as soon kill gun owners as look at them. And, it’s a good warning to others.
    Second, how will the Libtards stop production of 3D printed guns? anybody can now produce their own AK47 or assault rifle, ya know, the scary types, with an inexpensive 3D printer. No serial numbers, no markings and every bit as good as a mass produced firearm.
    Finally, when plebes revolt as in a civil uprising, no firearms are used. As soon as the “authorities” see a gun toting rioter, he’s as good as dead and the politicians are quick to exonerate the use of deadly force. But, there seems to be stigma attached to killing unarmed people.

  14. You have a misunderstanding of how 3D printing works. It can make plastic replicas but it can’t make firearms, however any competent machine shop can.

  15. High River gun owners were tragically naive. They should have stashed the guns and ammo in the attic out of sight before they evacuated. Hopefully the incident educated gun owners across Canada and they won’t be taken advantage of again.

  16. The London, Berlin, and France “Truck attacks” proved how effective gun control works for “peaceful & moderate” mass murder.
    I suppose we could add 911 and the Boston Bombings along with dozens and dozens of other non-firearm related mass murder. What’s the body count today CBC?
    Of course Liberal Canadians don’t seem to mind that sort of inconvenience, they’d rather worry that Law abiding Canadians are giving Toronto, Vancouver and today any major Canadian city’s imported gangs a bad rap.

  17. If terrorists and other murderers don’t acquire firearms through the US black market along with their cigarettes & and MS-13 gang lackey they steal them – from the police:
    “Based on Freedom of Information requests, the National Firearms Association (NFA) has determined that since approximately October 2008, police forces and other law-enforcement agencies have lost at least 428 firearms nationwide. Thirty-two were lost by or stolen from the RCMP. Another 316 went missing from municipal police forces, while 80 have gone missing from other agencies, exclusive of the military.”
    The Liberals keep telling everyone that the “War on Drugs” doesn’t work, neither does a border for keeping out drugs and gangs – BUT they seem to think that taking guns away from law abiding taxpayers will make ALL the difference.
    Go smoke another one………….

  18. Yes, and that’s why I didn’t say “all” High River gun owners. My comment was about those who got caught by the ‘gun grab’. Many were smart enough to do the right thing and keep quiet about it.

  19. John Galt >
    “Many were smart enough to do the right thing and keep quiet about it.”
    The point is to change laws and attitudes towards firearms, personal property, and the law abiding citizens who own them. Not find smart ways to circumvent them.
    On record most of the HR firearm owners did hide and lock up firearms that the RCMP searched for and forcibly obtained from closets and cabinets. The RCMP claim at the time was that they were “securing valuables” for residents, whilst they left any other “valuables” in place, unguarded and in plain sight.
    This was Martial Law and firearm confiscation imposed on certain Canadians during a time of a disaster. Firearm owner homes some of which were not in any flood danger were breached, meanwhile other homes in the neighborhood were ignored along with the local Indian reserve which was also affected.
    This was clearly RCMP targeting of one group of Canadian citizens. What’s scary is that other Canadians would not step up and voice against it. I guess they are simply waiting for their turn, or don’t think it’ll ever happen to “special” them.

  20. I agree 100%, and that’s why I’m supporting Max for Party leader. He’s got he most sensible firearms policy of all the candidates.
    The HR incident was a travesty of justice and way overstepped the existing law. The only good that came from it was a clear message to Canadians that the gvt can never be trusted when it comes to personal property, firearms and the law. We have to work to make sure nothing like that ever happens again in Canada. I never heard any reports of anything similar happening in FtMac so perhaps they learned a lesson, but we can never be complacent and assume they wouldn’t try it again.
    I felt that both WR and CPC could have and should have done more to send a clear message to the horsemen that their actions were totally unacceptable in Canada.

  21. speaking of lieberals and shooting, they did the George Beurling documentary on History channel again, so I looked this up:
    and from the link, here is a quote which says a LOT about lieberals still . . . .
    “The Canadian federal Liberal government of the day, which had used his celebrity status to raise war bond money, expressed condolences to the family, but would not finance the return of the Canadian war hero they had helped to create. Thus did Canada treat this fallen hero.”
    uhuh. lieberals at the front of the line crapping on our armed forces personnel. they ALL do it, just more from the lieberals from their years in power. you don’t think so, ask ANY of the gang of lawyers hired by successive gubbamints (read: including conservatists under harper) to fight the class action lawsuit filed in the interests of veterans.
    for my part, I d/l’ed a couple portraits of the man and will be framing the best one for my living room.

  22. bsck in the daze when alan rock tried to occupy the PMO by riding in on ‘new and improved’ gun legislation, I did an opinion piece for the local university student paper, focusing on the supposed ‘target’ group, ie criminals.
    1 they are criminals because they committed a crime. that’s crime 1
    2 it is illegal for a criminal who has been sanctioned, to apply for an FAC, acquire or otherwise possess a firearm. that’s crime 2
    3 why do they want a gun? to commit a crime! that’s crime 3
    and yet, rock’s ‘new and improved’ legislation idea did NOTHING to properly address the behavior of known CRIMINALS, instead as has been pointed out 1/2 million times, he focused on legitimate hunters, collectors, target shooters etc.

  23. It was never about the criminals, we already had laws that adequately dealt with the criminals. Rock, McLellan and their lieberal ilk feel that people should not have free access to guns, because ‘bad’ guns make good people do ‘bad’ things. Lieberals have this fanciful notion that everyone is inherently good and if they do bad things then it must have been something external causing it. THAT’s what C-68 and the Firearms Act is all about. Their firearms ‘education’ comes from watching too much TV violence. Lieberals and Conservatives have fundamentally different views on human nature; theirs is based on idealized fiction and ours is based on experience and observation.

  24. 3D ‘printing’ for so-called ‘pot’ metal yes, high strength steel for firearm chambers and barrels, no way.

  25. Let us know when you’ve got examples of a 3D printed long-term functioning firearm.
