Bill’s Wife

Hillary Rodham Snowden

The U.S. intelligence community is bracing for the possibility that former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private email account contains hundreds of revelations of classified information from spy agencies and is taking steps to contain any damage to national security, according to documents and interviews Thursday.

Clinton’s Global Warming Plan: Do as I say, not as I do

Hillary Clinton has a plan to deal with global warming, she just doesn’t plan on following it herself. The Democratic presidential hopeful showed off her hypocrisy this week but that isn’t the only global warming story I’ve got for you this week, you won’t believe the story the media won’t report on.
Also on the podcast, exploiting Cecil the Lion to denigrate hunting and why safari hunts are actually good for animal populations. Gaining cultural confidence to defeat terrorist ideology and how long does it take me to get a medical appointment in a government run system? You won’t believe it.

A Little Dose of Reality From One of Their Own

Well known feminist author, Camille Paglia, was interviewed recently. She is most certainly a woman of the Left but isn’t happy with how the collective Leftist mind has been hijacked:

Historically, talk radio arose via Rush Limbaugh in the early 1990s precisely because of this stranglehold by liberal discourse. For heaven’s sake, I was a Democrat who had just voted for Jesse Jackson in the 1988 primary, but I had to fight like mad in the early 1990s to get my views heard. The resistance of liberals in the media to new ideas was enormous. Liberals think of themselves as very open-minded, but that’s simply not true! Liberalism has sadly become a knee-jerk ideology, with people barricaded in their comfortable little cells. They think that their views are the only rational ones, and everyone else is not only evil but financed by the Koch brothers. It’s so simplistic!

There is much to read but it’s well worth it. Pass it on to your friends on the Left. Most will likely be too close minded to hear what she’s saying but hopefully it’ll crack open a few minds, if only a little.
h/t Lev
