James Hansen Sabotages Keystone XL Pipeline…

…sort of. Do read the whole New Yorker piece:

Taking It to the Streets
…McKibben, who is an author and an environmental activist (and a former New Yorker staff writer), had been alarmed by a conversation he had had about the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline with James Hansen, the head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, and one of the country’s foremost climate scientists…“What would the effect be on the climate?” McKibben asked. Hansen replied, “Essentially, it’s game over for the planet [not much muzzle on those US government scientists].”..

First There Was Y2Kyoto

Then came Copenchangen.
Now is the time at SDA when we Durbageddon!
Facts about African Agriculture Climate

Though changes in the climate may affect the whole continent, its distribution may vary across the continent. Climate change in the already arid northern sub-region of the continent is expected to enhance desertification and bring a gradual decrease in forest cover. In the Sahara and Sahel sub-regions, rainfall is predicted to drop, resulting in soil degradation and an increasing number of dust storms. In northeast Africa, more intense dry periods and shorter wet seasons are expected to affect even huge river systems such as the Blue Nile, leading to serious water shortages and adverse consequences for the agriculture and forestry sectors throughout the region. East and Central Africa will also see its agricultural capacity decline. In West Africa, more frequent and longer dry periods are expected, again threatening crop failures. Coastal areas may also be affected by rising sea levels and intrusion of salt water into inland freshwater resources. Southern Africa also faces similar threats. The staple food for the region, maize, is particularly susceptible to drought. Wetlands of international importance and wildlife are also under threat from drought in Southern Africa. Climate change, therefore, is expected to worsen the food supply, hence, exacerbate the widespread poverty in the region.

News 24, South Africa;

The United Nations’ chief climate change official on Monday assured delegates at the COP 17 conference in Durban that the centre in which they were gathered was safe.
UNFCCC executive secretary Christiana Figueres offered condolences to the city, which was struck by a violent storm on Sunday night that killed six people.
The high winds and heavy rain wrecked property, destroyed homes across the greater Durban area, and caused damage to the city’s convention centre.
“We have been told they died when their houses collapsed. We have also been told that about 100 homes were flooded and damaged in Isipingo,” he said.
Homes were flooded in Durban’s affluent areas such as Umhlanga and Newlands.

That’ll teach ’em.

Climategate 2.0: The Chronology

The Air Vent;

Buffy Minton who provided the Mime data has produced a spreadsheet of CG1 and CG2 emails in chronological order. This should be an excellent tool to follow conversations through.
odered emails – xls
odered emails – xlsx
I have the emails locally but if you are interested, combine the spreadsheet with this online search engine.

It should prove a useful tool for those major media organizations who recruited their readers to “crowdsource” the Sarah Palin emails.
Related – everything at Climate Depot and Watts Up With That. While I plan to follow developments on a regular basis, these two sites are your best Climategate aggregators.
