12 Replies to “The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire”

  1. How does someone get a useful job like this?
    I mean, in Britain I could understand it, but in the US?
    They’re well and truly screwed…

  2. That could explain the USDA agents spending all that time at the local peeler bar. They heard there was kitty cats used in the act.

  3. Almost sounds as logical as the CWB. Try to sell your wheat now and the same thing happens – except there ia a chance you get jail time on top of the fine.
    We better watch it, this might give the former CWB employees an idea for a new job – have to protect those rabbits. Of course the entertainers are an easy target.

  4. Reminds me of the Monty Python sketch The Fish License etal.
    Praline: In that case give me a bee license.
    Clerk: A license for your pet bee.
    Praline: Correct.
    Clerk: Called Eric? Eric the bee?
    Praline: No.
    Clerk: No?
    Praline: No, Eric the half bee. He had an accident.
    Clerk: You’re off your chump.
    Praline: Look, if you intend by that utilization of an obscure colloquialism to imply that my sanity is not up to scratch, or even to deny the semi-existence of my little chum Eric the half bee, I shall have to ask you to listen to this. Take it away, Eric the orchestra-leader.

  5. USDA: Mr. Magician you need to have a license for the rabbit.
    Magician: “Zap” Rabbit? What rabbit? It disappeared. Perhaps,
    you’d like to issue a Missing Rabbit report and
    forward it to the State police, the FBI and Interpol.
    I could repeat the same incantation that caused the
    rabbit to disappear and see if it works on Rabbit
    Police officers, too.
    Gee, does anyone else think there is a relationship between funding federal Rabbit police and the multi-Billion dollar
    deficit the U.S. government is running? Do you think?

  6. Sell? Rabbits?
    And all this time I’ve been shooting them as pests and leaving the carcass for the foxes.
    What a dope I’ve been.

  7. Come to think of it, do you need a permit to shoot rabbits (in Sask)?
    Actually I think I know the answer.

  8. The only way this story could have been funnier is if the USDA inspector-lady had been named Elimira Fudd.

  9. That proves my point that Americans no longer need 2A. Too much fuss about nothing.
