50 Replies to “The Land of King George, Six Decades Later”

  1. Has anyone seen this???
    A Canadian man has been charged with multiple weapons violations after he used his revolver to defend himself from firebombers who tried to destroy his home. And it was all caught on camera.
    Ian Thomson is a 53-year-old former mobile crane operator from Southwestern Ontario. He‘s also a devoted student who’s using his years after 50 to study environmental geosciences. And he’s even a former firearms instructor. But this fall he became a criminal in the eyes of the law.
    It all began in late August of last year, when Thomson woke up to the sound of three masked men tossing at least six Molotov cocktails at his house:

  2. So, tell me again how that multiculturalism is working for Brits.
    So what the Spanish Armada failed accomplish in 1588, the Arabian Dhows appear to be succeeding in.
    Brittania slowly slipping beneath the waves.

  3. Dudtoff – Gormley had that story on his radio show yesterday. Absolutely outrageous. Our politicians need to hang their collective heads in shame.
    As for the behaviour of Muslims…..well, coming to a town near you soon!
    When it comes to Islam we are a nation of cowards and they know it. I fear for my grandchildren.

  4. I’m not surprised, England partakes of race based policing thus if a “Protected race” is using children as sex toys or grooming them as sex slaves the police look the other way. What’s a couple thousand white girls forced into prostitution worth compared to the hurt feelings of Asian men? I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again the progressive left activists’ have abandoned women, gays and Jews in that order because they have a new cause and that’s Political Islam whom they worship like none before.

  5. They saw it coming:
    “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen; all know how to die; but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science – the science against which it had vainly struggled – the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.”
    – Winston Churchill

  6. 80 odd years ago the English forbade my Welsh aunts and uncles from speaking Welsh in Welsh schools. Somehow the English falling under the sway of the Mohammedans doesn’t bother me as much as it should.

  7. It would have been interesting for the interviewer to ask the young girl what she thinks the government of the U.K. should do, to protect people from these islamic criminals.
    Something along a response such as, “I think they should do something, instead of nothing”. Queen Isabella got it mostly right in the Spain of 1492. You can take all you can carry, without the gold, and you can never return here. Never.

  8. Will it ever become possible for politicians in western countries to discuss the option of ending all muslim immigration? I hope so, before it is too late.

  9. ‘Only problem is, Joe, if Britain goes — or should I say when Britain goes — we won’t be far behind.
    Winston Churchill was prophetic — as are all of the Judeo-Christian Scriptures’ prophets and, the greatest of all, Jesus of Nazareth.
    Having forsaken the God who says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and your neighbour as yourself,” we have sold our heritage for a bowl of pottage. This is England, this is Europe, this is what is happening in North America, too.
    If you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything seems to be true: As we have forsaken the faith of our fathers and mothers, we’ve made way, through “multiculturalism” and the lie that “all cultures are equal,” for immigrants who are deadly serious about theirfaith and would love to subjugate us.
    It takes courage, determination, fortitude, and clear-eyed vision to counter jihad but, unfortunately, we have no backbone, we lack vision, we’re too comfortable with all of our gizmos, gadgets, and games and very uncomfortable admitting that our Western lifestyle — our Western civilization — is extremely vulnerable and under serious threat.
    I often have people say to me, “Well, things have got to get better” and I always ask “based on what?”
    They have no answer. ‘Fiddling while Rome burns. ‘Entertaining ourselves to death while jihad rages.
    Kyrie eleison.

  10. Well Alex google the Rape of Europe and get back to us please. I noticed you couldn’t debate or refute the alligations thus mock the poor victims.

  11. This is coming to Canada. The muzzies just haven’t assembled here yet in sufficient mass. But we keep importing them.

  12. “Only problem is, Joe, if Britain goes — or should I say when Britain goes — we won’t be far behind.”
    Well batb that is entirely up to us. If we Christians keep hiding our lights under bushel baskets and losing our saltiness then we deserve the fate we both see for England. On the other hand if we embolden ourselves in the Just Cause we will not fall victim to Islam. Remember that old saw? All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing!

  13. Clearly, Alex, “teenage school-girls” are just stupid liars who can’t be expected to understand what constitutes standard peer-type sexual aggression and whose experience of what’s going on around them are, yannow, not as smart as what Alex thinks is going on.

  14. Joe, you’re right! But, I don’t see a lot of Christian leadership these days, save what Pope Benedict XVI has been saying about militant Islam.

  15. “I don’t see a lot of Christian leadership these days”
    I agree and what’s more I think it is a good thing! Christianity doesn’t lead from the front, it leads from the rear. It’s not up to the Pope, Patriarch or Pastor to lead. Its up to people like you and me to work slowly and surely bringing people to an understanding of the Christian Gospel. We are herding sheep not leading a parade. Yes the Shepherd has gone on before us but we the sheep dogs keep the flock on the course the Shepherd has laid out for his sheep.

  16. don’t expect me to step up to the plate. I’ve done that before NUMEROUS times with all sorts of proof, ‘support’ from ‘authorities’, the best of intentions and been blamed for things I had nothing to do with.
    also, from that clip it appears to me the girl was fed answers; it’s the difference between ‘tell us in your own words what happened’ and ‘did this-and-this-and-this-and-this happen’.

  17. Yes indeed, the hind end of a Beagle! Keep denying that there is a problem. That is the leftard way. But don’t forget, hind end of a Beagle, “pleasing your enemies does make them your friends.”
    Keep drinking the cool-aid, leftard. God I wish there was a way to re-wire idiots!

  18. I see we have some commenters who want to pretend this sort of thing is not happening all over the Western world. Yes I know, if it contrasts with PC orthodoxy it simply cannot be true.
    The no-go zones in places like Oslo, or the annual feature of rioting “youths” in France are all figments of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy ™. God what morons.

  19. Well beagle ol’ dog I, like you, don’t know anything about this girl. However my daughters tell me that they avoided groups of males of a certain ethnicity & religion because of the way they treated/threatened the girls in high school. That wasn’t in Britain that was here in Edmonton Canada.

  20. P.S. The grandson of George VI (“The King’s Speech” king) is Charles, Prince of Wales. (They share a birthday!) I believe that the king would be absolutely appalled, not only by the behaviour of his subjects, but by the behaviour of his Greenie, Muslim appeasing grandson, a very far cry from his much more sensible mother.

  21. I only have one thing to say….where are their fathers???If my girl was treated in this way, there would be no Muslims in her school…..hey Brits…grow some gonads…maybe we should send some Canadians over there to rescue you wimps….

  22. re: SDH at January 22, 2011 4:15 PM
    Winston Churchill saw what the western world has been avoiding and is still not willing to come to terms with. It is like he was a prophet or something. Err, can I say that?

  23. lay off the Brits qua Brits….it’s their government and judiciary you should be castigating…
    and before i close let me say the ultimate nay penultimate responsibility lies with the airy fairy socialistic dreamy gullible naive eschaton seeking labourites that deserve ALL the blame for the sorry pass we’ve arrived at in our mother country…
    only blood of course…only foaming red with blood the Thames lapping upon the banks of the Embankment will cool this heat..

  24. “However my daughters tell me that they avoided groups of males of a certain ethnicity & religion because of the way they treated/threatened the girls in high school”
    Hmm…..and what did you, as a parent, do about it?

  25. The report from Britain mentions “Asian” men. Seeing as Asia consists of 48 or more Countries,I wonder if these “men” are from any particular Region of Asia, say………..Russia,Taiwan,Japan,Mongolia,Cyprus,Singapore?
    Are the Brits so totally cowed by political correctness that they can’t even name the one common factor the Asian men have,their Muslim religion,which puts women on a value level with camels?
    Western civilization needs a Leader who is NOT so civilized, or the Muslims ARE going to be in charge in about twenty years of a good portion of the West.
    But we’re WAY too sophisticated to ever go there,aren’t we?

  26. Muslim students, like all other “victim” groups, are protected in Western schools (and society at large) by “equality” protocols. If teachers speak up for the real victims of these favoured groups, the teachers are likely to be targeted by administration and singled out for discipline.
    What’s going on is diabolical: evil is protected and good is viciously attacked.
    Well, we’ve turned our back—in the West—on the foundation of our freedoms: God. We’re reaping the whirlwind.
    There we are.

  27. “what did you, as a parent, do about it?”
    I didn’t learn about it until the daughters graduated. In the mean time we had moved a different school district where the ethnic tension was greatly diminished. Once I found out about it I raised my concerns to the school admin and they as much as said they were aware of the problem but since no actual violence had occurred there wasn’t much that they could do. (cough cough) I have been working with others in doing Christian outreach to that community with limited success. As one convert said, “We (the ethnics) are quite standoffish when it comes to others and their idea or religion”.

  28. dmorris
    [……..Western civilization needs a Leader who is NOT so civilized,……….]
    And Not so cililized determined followers…
    Desperate times…desperate measures….

  29. There won’t be a political leader or party who will address this. It is too late to vote or legislate Islam away. It will depend how many big and small Muslim outrages we are able to sustain before the camels back is broken. Being as civilized as we are, we will have to be driven to the very limits bound as we are with PC. The forces who are supposed to protect us will protect Islam and its followers from us. I suspect society will have to be pretty much in tatters before the inevitable ending plays out. So you probably have years, if not a decade or so to sit by and watch the show. Remember, you are a racist if you raise your eyes to Islam.

  30. What more can one say or do when not even the parents will protect their own children?
    History has repeated itself and Great Britain is the mirror. It has long since abandoned the values that made it great and the barbarians are not waiting at the gate but have been invited in.
    Don’t think such things will not repeat themselves here. There are so many unbelievably sick things going on. Great Britain is just further down the hole than the rest of the West.

  31. Kinyobe: I wonder what the parents CAN do to protect their own children. To be honest if a parent threatened one of those “asian youths” they’d likely be arrested within the hour. I was reading While Europe Slept and the authors boyfriend scared off some hooligans err “asian youths” who tried to mug him and when they went to a police station to report it those youths had already filed a complaint or some such story.
    Sometimes it seems like the only ones the cops are brave enough to arrest are the ones they know pose no threat to them just like the first commentator’s story. They power trip and manhandle a lone man walking home like Peter Hitchens but remember that video where UK cops were in full retreat during the advance of muslim protesters? Yeah…

  32. Snowbunnie at 3:17 PM: “Queen Elizabeth should be ashamed she reigns over such cowardice.”
    And it’s only going to get worse when Chucky-pooh takes over.

  33. I would advocate that remaining real Brits come to the USA, but our immigration policy decidedly favors Third World peasants. I suppose it’s much the same in Canada?

  34. M, writes, “. . . the authors boyfriend scared off some hooligans err ‘asian youths’ who tried to mug him and when they went to a police station to report it those youths had already filed a complaint or some such story”.
    This is just what I said earlier. Parallel story: a teacher I know was dealing with a number of very aggressive, uncooperative students of various darker skinned races. He raised his voice—oh, no!—and gave it to them. When he reported the incident to the principal, the principal responded, “I was just about to call [haul] you in because these students have reported that you treated them disrespectfully. What do you have to say for yourself?” Of course, when the teacher “proved his innocence”—I thought one was innocent until proven guilty—there were absolutely no consequences for the disrespectful, disruptive students. As usual . . . (Most teachers can’t wait to retire. Many just get out early, whether they can afford to or not. The working conditions, in schools with large, unruly populations, are inhuman—to the teachers. Under the circumstances, that administration gives almost no support to the teachers, many teachers just turn a blind eye: if they do get involved, they’re the ones likely to be hauled on the carpet. It’s madness.)
    Ungrateful, violent, trouble-making immigrants—and there are far too many of them—are learning that their aggressive behaviour gains them deference from the authorities. (Although they weren’t dealing with immigrants, think the Toronto police stand-down during the G-20 meetings; and when the police finally did get tough, it was the police who were on the carpet!) The consequences of this appeasement, both short, but especially long term, are going to be horrendous. We’ll be held hostage by vicious tyrants who have taken over our country.
    (And the lefties think Harper’s a dictator: they ain’t seen nothin’ yet!)

  35. If this were in Pakistan, the young girl would most likely be convicted of being a harlot and stoned to death: how dare she…

  36. There are couple of things I thought of
    1) If you want to protect children go and do what one lady did in my building – she enrolled child in self-defense course. The girl is now 11 and knows how to fight.
    btw I heard about Russians in Germany. When Russians are threatened by some minority people they threaten back. Result. Russians are no longer threatened.
    When threatened, native Germans mostly do nothing. Results. Germans are still threatened.
    2) When there is accusation of “racism” “islamophobia” and so ….. accuse back. With the clip of an accident recorded on a cell phone.
    Do the same when there are threats of violence.
    3) Use cell phones and computers. Technology works for everybody and is user friendly. 😉

  37. “Law Enforcement” is the foul sewage enabling this. Until THEY rot where they belong, expect this to continue.

  38. Heard on the news last week here on the left coast, the police were looking for some guy, had threatened he would blow up a mosque.. Hope he got away..

  39. Happy Infidel
    Someone who wants to blow up a mosque is an idiot, at the best, or a terrorist, at the worst.
    I hope every guy who threatens to blow up… whatever… will get what he (or she) deserves.
    On the other hand I hope that if the people in the mosque are fundamentalists they will get what they deserve – which is – long, long stretch in jail.

  40. “Law Enforcement” is the foul sewage enabling this. Until THEY rot where they belong, expect this to continue.
    Posted by: Mark Matis at January 23, 2011 6:24 PM ”
    hi mark, ya I gotta agree, law en’farce’ment is very selective.
    hocum you get dinged $120 for not having a light on a bicycle but if a $500 mountain bike gets stolen in broad daylight the local constabulary is totally disinterested?
    because *there is no money into the coffers retrieving stolen property*.

  41. Ella .. Yes that was stupid of me to say.. You are bang on.. Like a lot of people I just get a flash of anger when I hear what these Islamists seem to get away with. Extremely frustrating what seems to get past the powers that be.My bad.
