34 Replies to “Now is the Time at SDA When We Juxtapose”

  1. When will Sarah Palin be arrested as an accomplice in these murders?
    *democrats are diseased*

  2. Well, who’d be surprised?
    I’ve been dealing with lefties, as in debating them, for decades. What have I and my right of center or libertarian fellow travellers all noticed, from personal experience? Pretty well across the board, just how arrogant and unpleasant most lefties are: big time HYPOCRITES too! For people who claim to be egalitarian, they have a very keen sense of entitlement—so much so, that they think they can win a debate on pure assertion. (Yeah, they’re generally lazy too.) This puts these Marie Antoinettes at a real disadvantage and, by using facts and logic—not two weapons in the left-wing arsenal (whoops again!)—it’s relatively easy to outwit them. (Then, of course, left-wing cheerleaders, like CBC, CTV, TVO, etc. don’t invite the conservative/libertarian back!)
    “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” The Democrats have rather backed themselves into a corner on this one: they’re the ones who’ve dishonestly accused the Republicans of incivility, all the while being the very essence of incivility themselves. Obama, himself, is the “Bully-in-Chief”. They’re not going to change.
    “People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.” It should be fun to watch the Democrats’ very public hypocrisy on this one.

  3. President Obama issues a call for civility = President Obama issues a call for Republicans to servilely agree with anything he and the Democrats do.

  4. I just love the new ‘era of civility’ – kind of like the old era, but different somehow. So nothing changes – not even the MSM’s chants.

  5. In the interest of fairness and civility, the Democrats demand that everybody else be forced to shut their Nazi yaps.
    Does that sound about right?

  6. He meant “civility” on the part of republicans – democrats are still free to denigrate republicans at will. We need to keep that straight!!!!
    (sarc off)

  7. Welcome to the Obama-Nation(tm) where all you have to do is ‘go away and die’ like a good National Socialist.
    Pretty good ‘slur factory’ they’ve got going down there…
    Dollars to donuts they wouldn’t know a real Nazi; till they got booted in the ass.
    So much for civility and ‘debating the issues’…
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  8. Grayson has become what he mocks. (Much like Taliban Jack and Count Iggula)
    It’s at the point that when his name is mentioned, my first reaction is, “What did that nutbar say -this- time”.
    He’s like the little boy that cried wolf, but there never was, or will be one.

  9. When searching for the truth one is usually advised to follow the money.
    With the shooting in Tuscon who has benifited?
    To say that the “O” is somewhat left is being kind. Gifford acording to the media is somewhat right.
    Does the term for the good of the party come to mind?

  10. I find it nearly impossible anymore to be civil and tolerant of leftists. I used to have several as friends, but one by one, I had to purge them from the address book. They were making me sick.
    I don’t want to continually giving them benefit of the doubt and put up with their absolute mindless nonsense and vitriol.
    I don’t want to be civil anymore. It doesn’t pay off. They need to be slapped down, hard.
    There is a limit to how much a parent will put up with before it’s time to spank the child.
    You cannot reason with a child, nor drunk person
    nor a Leftist. None of them are mentally equipped to be dealt with in a sensible adult way.
    They cannot and will not employ logic and reason, but rather just hatred and contempt. So, why bother trying.
    One of the leading ‘fair and balanced’ players that everyone knows is Bill O’Reilly and the left things he is Adolf Hitler. How can you deal with that?
    It has to come to fisty-cuffs in a ‘large way’ … sooner or later. What we have festering right now between the two sides is as unsustainable as America’s festering debt load.

  11. Meh. Grayson’s a Molotov-thrower, it’s his shtick – pay no attention, you’ll just encourage him.
    Don’t know about Cohen – D-Tn? Lawd’a mercy!

  12. From ABC re. Grayson: “But he also has been touted as a liberal primary challenger to President Barack Obama in 2012.”
    Is ABC on crack?
    Also is it impolite to notice Grayson’s caterpillars-for-eyebrows are abandoning ship?

  13. The left’s hatred of Palin is consuming them.
    On another note: we now have our first affirmative action president bowing to a puppet president from a communist regime. Is the left embracing communism now ?
    That would be one way to shut everybody up, including Palin.

  14. Another vile ‘libtalker’ Mike Malloy (on Sirius Left channel)..with about 25 listeners has said he hopes ‘Rush chokes on his neck fat!’..yeah,that’s civil.

  15. Nothing wrong with free speech, no matter how outrageous.
    It’s the hypocrisy of the left that’s becoming clearer and clearer, as lookout has already articulated.

  16. OT
    I will now use some inciteful rhetoric Saskatchewan style. You are free to repeat after me…
    Nuclear Power Plant
    Nuclear Power Plant
    Nuclear Power Plant
    liberal heads exploding in 3….2….1….
    Henceforth I now coin the term NPDS(Nuclear Power Derangement Syndrome)
    It ain’t Sarah Palin, but it seems to work.

  17. Abe, I understand and agree with your point altogether, but, IMO, Bill O’Reilly’s a bloviator: I used to believe his “no spin” schtick, but not anymore. E.g., He interrupts and bullies even the guests he likes, and, like the opportunist he is, he’s always pulled his punches re Obama. Laura Ingraham—who’s much tougher, smarter, braver, and straightforward than Bill—called him out on this the other night: Bill’s always soft on Obama, but, as the gutsy Laura pointed out, Bill’s about to interview the president.
    Just about anyone else at Fox—Bret Baier (who gave the president a run for his money), Chris Wallace, Brit Hume, Sean Hannity: bias right up front, Laura Ingraham, Greta Van Susteren—are more balanced and fair than Bill, by far. At least, unlike the MSM, he does have lefties on his show. (Thank goodness that sanctimonious prig, and apparently, professor, Marc Lamont Hill, is no longer on The Factor: even Bill’s assaults—verbal only!—couldn’t stop the flow of Hill’s astoundingly vacuous, arrogant, lefty garbage, that, as a lefty, he actually thought passed muster as intelligent commentary. These people just can’t get their heads around the fact that unsubstantiated, stupid assertions and ad hominems do not an argument make.)

  18. Abe Froman @10:42 – “I find it nearly impossible anymore to be civil and tolerant of leftists. I used to have several as friends, but one by one, I had to purge them from the address book. They were making me sick.”
    It depends on the person, though, doesn’t it? Not everyone is obsessed with politics. I know lefties I like; the trick is just steer clear of this stuff for the most part.
    I don’t mean the Graysons of the world, obviously. Who’d want to talk with him about anything?

  19. lookout – I thoroughly agree with your view of Bill O’Reilly; I can’t stand him interrupting and talking over his guests. And Laura Ingraham is top notch, really excellent – and she did call him out the other day. She was right to do so.
    I like Sean Hannity. And Glenn Beck but I can only handle a bit of him. It isn’t that I don’t agree with everything he says – I do – just about everything. It’s just that I think it could all be said/written in half an hour. Not an hour.
    And I agree with you about Marc Lamont Hill; I could never listen to him because he wasn’t speaking to a listener; he was ranting. And at such a fast pace that it was impossible to understand him. He was unable to listen, unable to interact, to debate. All he did was a rapid-fire monologue – of, exactly as you say, unsubstantiated, vacuous garbage.

  20. Osumashi, I must respectfully disagree. “Civility” when used by a socialist means “SHUT UP!!!”
    “No” used to be enough, but the only reasonable response these days is “make me”.
    You could also go with “make me, pencil neck”. If you are going to cast a gauntlet, make it an armored one and be sure to hit them in the teeth with it.

  21. Here’s Popper’s opening comment on Marxism: ‘so far, the purest, the most developed and the most dangerous form of historicism”. (p 81 Vol 2).
    What is historicism? It’s utopian social engineering, grounded in an assumed predetermined linear course of history – the ‘laws of history’. And of course, within socialism, there lies an ‘inner circle of the anointed’, the wise men, the elite, the bourgeoisie, who alone understand these deterministic laws and the myth of destiny and so, can guide the masses into that mould. Obama is a prime example.
    Talk about alienation of work! Heh, what about alienation of personal responsibility? Alienation from critical examination of the government (Obama has said that he rejects criticism).

  22. ET, one of life’s great mysteries to me is the number of allegedly intelligent people who think Karl Marx ever said anything worth bothering with.

  23. Hey, ET, I’m pleased that we see eye to eye on the Fox crew. I didn’t mention Glenn Beck. I don’t watch him: too early, but I LIKE him! He’s done an amazing, and very important, job at getting out the truth about Obama and his Chicago thugs.
    I’m looking forward to SUN Media’s “Fox North”: finally, we’ll be able to hear another side or two of what’s going on here in Canada.

  24. Phantom, I was being a little facetious there.
    The left have zero respect for anyone other than themselves. Civility, in this light, means that one can attack Sarah Palin while pretending to be a voice of reason.

  25. ‘I’m looking forward to SUN Media’s “Fox North”: finally, we’ll be able to hear another side or two of what’s going on here in Canada.’
    Perhaps Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition is looking at this same thing, and are prompted to pull the plug on Parliament promptly.

  26. Watching the interview with Steve Paikin and Christie Blatchford gives you an idea of how IMHO a great inverviewer works. He asked clear, succinct questions and let her answer them without interruption except for further clarification of a point she had made.
    I’m giving up on O’Reilly as I to find him constantly talking over or interrupting the person, just rude. Why ask a question if you also want to answer it.

  27. Phantom@3.43 pm Karl Marx said if/when the Union reached Milledgeville in Georgia, the Confederacy would lose, he was right on that. Otherwise not much else.
