23 Replies to “The Toronto Star Diversifies”

  1. Money speaks louder than ideology, for the socialists anyway. Until it gets noticed.
    Imagine all of the fretful handwringing fizzy-haired leftist @sshats in the GTA getting in a tizzy over it.
    “Oh my gawd, not the Star?!?! We’ll see about THAT!!!”
    My first good laugh of the day.

  2. Kate, congratulations on your success in inventing the AURL (Alternate Universe Resource Locator). Nobel Prize material, perhaps?
    I predict this material will soon be sucked into a black hole.

  3. What? The Red Star being hypocritical? Never…
    Just cause the comrades run endless stories about how bad the gun-nut conservatives are while selling guns themselves.
    You’d think they did something like throwing a hissy-fit about the exploitation involved in prostitution while taking ads from call-girls! Oh, wait…

  4. a mossberg for $58 bucks,,,someone had to pickup the slack, ebay is just to big of an immoral US company to sell firearms.
    whats next from the Red Star, body parts from China?

  5. I’d like a nice female-friendly pump action shotgun. Any suggestions, Kate?

  6. That’s great Doug! Clearly one for the ladies. Now how to market it? — Accessorize for spring? For the well protected poodle owner? Match your neglige to properly greet the nocturnal intruder? Show your feminine side? For the lib who isn’t quite NDP?

  7. Wow a Franchi over under for 180 bucks…where’d that one come from, Caledonia?

  8. DrD: I think this is the only way for a woman to go with a weapon.

  9. Wow a Franchi over under for 180 bucks…where’d that one come from, Caledonia?

    WL — they must of preyed it off someones dead fingers!

  10. Boy I’ll say they’ve (Torstar) has diversified. I know the next is off-topic (sorry Kate), but they seem to have published the most ‘balanced’ and ‘fair’ position yet on behalf of the CPC.
    the link is:
    The writers are:
    Jim Bronskill
    Joan Bryden
    and the article is called:
    “Tory letter defends election spending scheme”.
    Ed the Hun

  11. I searched for “pistol” but didn’t turn up anything!
    I guess it’s back to the neighborhood for one of those…
    and I think there’s a good chance there are more pistols than shotguns in Toronto…

  12. Thanks Kate.
    Everytime the Star prints an incorrect or malaigning piece about firearms owners; I’m gonna e-mail a screencap and that link to it’s editors.
    They can make money all they want, but they better balance and do correct and factual reporting about firearms.
