29 Replies to “There’s Nothing Wrong With BC That Can’t Be Fixed With A D-9 Cat”

  1. But for those who keep be patient.
    Missing a noun, this sentence is, yes?
    Wondering, just!

  2. But for those who keep whining that Saskatchewan’s too flat – be patient.
    Better, that is!
    Wondering now, am I, if browser issues I have. Or if edited this post, Kate did.
    What I would give for them to discover coal under Toronto… Toronto’s a giant hole anyway, so that should help make extraction a bit easier.

  3. Its pretty flat though Kate, you’ve got to admit. At least in Minnesota you get a break from the flatness in the summer. The corn gets too high to see over… ~:D

  4. Crap for brains there is… intellectual superiority poisoning they play at.
    The Grammar Yoda

  5. Walking draglines are a magnificent piece of equipment, beautiful efficiency and power summed up in elegant structure. The mind boggles at these moving Eifflelike sculptures of economic grace and beauty stoking their way over the harsh landscape and feeding the engines of commerce and industry.

  6. Ahh, more Prairie envy of B.C. rears its familiar head! Oh, and it’s not just the mountains, Spring here arrives about two months earlier
    , MOSQUITO FREE! I’m golfing here while you’re still under three feet of snow!
    Those of us who immigrated here from the Prairies (almost everyone) love to wax sentimental about our youth back there, but live on the prairies again, not a chance in Hell!
    The typical Prairie person spends about the first five years in denial, then usually come to the conclusion,”why in hell didn’t I move here twenty years ago”.
    Come out and visit us here some time, Kate, you’ll see what I mean.

  7. Don’t fall for it Kate!!!!
    I spent eight months in the purgatory that is Victoria!!

  8. Ode to a Dragline.
    oh dragline,
    form and function epitomy.
    clawing your way ‘crossflat prairie,
    Pass to Manitoba
    Could thou stop at Kenora ,
    and dig a trench to Hudsons Bay
    and thusly Free the west away?

  9. Watching too much Star Wars lately, these commentors do.
    The flatness of Saskatchewan is handy if you have lost your dog a few days back. You can still see him leaving.
    First year I lived in Saskatchewan I was amazed at the number of towns called Pool. /rimshot
    Calls to the HRC in 3,2,1…

  10. Of course the real reason there are so many flatlanders living on the lower mainland of BC is because they ventured too far west couldn’t do a U turn going through that narrow goat trail they call the Rogers Pass so they wound up in BC and there is no dang way they are going back through those mountains agin.

  11. Flat you say!! I had a girlfriend who was flat. Well, almost flat. I went in the store one day to buy her a new bra. I didn’t know the size, so the sales lady asked; “Are they like grapefruits?” Naw, smaller than that,” I replied. “How about oranges?” “Naw, smaller than that,” I answered. “How about eggs?” she asked with a frown. Yeah, just like eggs,” I answered. “Fried!!”

  12. Star Wars III on Spike TV is. No better on TV than at the theater, is it.
    Get over Yoda sneaking away from the Sith like a puss, I can’t.

  13. “Ahh, more Prairie envy of B.C. rears its familiar head!”
    Strong with the B.S. you are. We are all keeping an eye on your Evil Hempire, and all of your GOREm-Troopers taxing poor people who can barely afford to fuel their speeders.

  14. Of course it you were a Saskatchewan farmer you would know better than to pick a girl with ‘fried eggs’.
    My wife overheard a Sask farmer in lingerie shop wanting to buy a size 14 bra. The clerk was a little confused until the farmer explained that his hat was a size 7 and one of his wife’s breasts fit quite snuggly in his hat.

  15. cal2 “The mind boggles at these moving Eifflelike sculptures”
    …ho camonie cal2! Yer a poet and don’t know it!

  16. re cal2’s eloquent epitome.
    …dang, i just can’t suppress my quip to it:
    “Like wow man, that was deep”.
    Ok, I’ll shut up.

  17. Hi Kate – I met a couple from Bienfait about 20 years ago. They rathter liked the hills created by the strip mining, because it added something interesting to the local landscape!

  18. here I was a poet and dint even know it . but I looked at my feets and saw they was a couple of longfellows.

  19. The little hills are also good habitat for wildlife. Lots of water collects in small ponds between them, small trees are now growing there, etc.
