6 Replies to “Fair And Balanced”

  1. Fox understands(unlike the Canadian media) that competion is essential, and both sides of an argument must be equally represented for a program to be entertaining…

  2. Estrich Takes Head Out Of Sand, For A Moment

    My respect for Susan Estrich just went up about a tenth of a point. Of course, when she’s starting out in negative figures that doesn’t mean a whole lot, but still. Read her Liberal’s Defense of Fox News. Link hat…

  3. It’s incredibly revealing that only “conservative” types insist on both sides of an argument being fully (as opposed to tokenly) represented…..

  4. Funny, it seems that the Dems in the US are going the way of the CPC, down, down, down towards irrelevancy.
    Maybe Stephen Harper should take a lesson from Howard Dean and company and hold a mock impeachment trial of Mr. Dithers in the basement of the Parliament building.

  5. Quick Links

    *** “The Four Forbidden Words Of Iranian Elections.” *** A pictorial review of the Coalition serving in Iraq. *** Baldilocks and Historian Paul Johnson examine the wildly mutable inconsistencies of anti-semitism and its parallels to anti-Americanism. *…
