London bureau chief for Fox News Channel Scott Norvell writes on bias at the BBC. It’s hardly worth mentioning the obvious – that the piece could have just as easily be written altering the letters to CBC and hold true in all but the local details;

The BBC’s world is one in which America is always wrong, George W. Bush is a knuckle-dragging simpleton, people of faith are frightening ignoramuses, and capitalism is a rot on the fabric of social justice. Through this prism, the United Nations is the world’s supreme moral authority, multiculturalism is always a force for good, war is never warranted, and U.S. Republicans sprinkle Third World children over their Cheerios for breakfast.
Few with a grip on reality believe that there is a cabal at BBC House wringing their hands and plotting the renationalization of the coal industry or state-mandated racial sensitivity training for all 6-year-olds. But there is little doubt that, as Mr. Aitken puts it, a center-left groupthink dominates at the BBC and colors its entire output. It’s not deliberate. It’s worse. The producers just can’t imagine that someone could possibly oppose European integration or any of the other left-wing causes because to them, and their friends, these are self-evident truths. It simply doesn’t even occur to them that reasonable people could disagree with them.

14 Replies to “BCBC”

  1. And the push for social dependency and oppression continues… one day, very soon, this is all going to snap right back in all these idiots faces. This blatant socialist agenda is starting to boil.
    Bring on the lefty worm sucking social communist weasels, were gonna club them back into the sewer and weld it shut. Fire up them Dodges with the studded tires, she’s gonna be slippery.
    Hmmm.. knuckle-dragging, were have I heard that before… hey .. I’m a knuckle-dragging westerner and damn proud of it… and don’t be messin with my Fox News.

  2. Groupthink at National Broadcasters

    I’ve known a couple of people who suffered working at the CBC for a short time before having enough of the leftist groupthink. What frustrates me

  3. “We are citizens of a Christian country, and the BBC — an institution set up by the State — bases its policy upon a positive attitude toward the Christian values. It seeks to safeguard those values and to foster acceptance of them. The whole preponderant weight of its programmes is directed to this end.”
    – Sir William Haley, Director-General, BBC, 1948 (as reported by Malcolm Muggeridge in Christ and the Media)

  4. The liberals running every element of the CBC propaganda machine know that a conservative government spells the end of their bloated, useless corporation’s support from taxpayers (who don’t watch, by and large) (ie privatization and the discipline prompted by the free market). So its both self-interest (preserving cushy jobs and inflated pay) and shared belief in the liberal party world view as the sole legitimate political opinion that preserves the CBC as yet another liberal contribution to the demeaning of canadian democracy. Why do we suffer this outragous and comparatively unwatched but hugely influential Liberal propaganda machine? Because its operation benefits the liberals.
    Solution 1) fire everyone at the CRTC, restricitng its budget severly and its mandate to auctioning frequencies (not content) to the highest bidder, foregn or domestic, 2) sell the CBC to Rupert Murdoch.

  5. Canada’s Pravda is always right. They always give long sympathetic interviews to only the right people, focus and spin hard on the right facts, divy up the right amount of air time between the political parties, draw the right conclusions and feed it all to the right people in Ontario. All that publicly funded right…eousness of course has the right goal of perpetuating the right balance in the country as they know it. So with what’s all this talk about the CBC being dominated by the Left? Looks like they’re all right to me. Say, anyone have their national citizenship card yet?

  6. I wonder what Sir William Haley would think of BBC World News. During the first weeks of the assault on Baghdad I saw in one instance a young reporter’s barely concealed delight when American troops were killed and injured in an ambush. He excitedly predicted, standing in the wreckage amid grinning young Iraqi men, that these colonial monsters would inevitably be taken to task by the brave Iraqi people.
    On the CBC, that same anti-American sentiment was only a subtext.

  7. Just so I’m clear on this: you folks believe that the BBC and CBC are propaganda organs of the state, but Fox is independant and trustworty?
    Do you really imagine that anything that contradicts Republican talking points is evidence of ‘leftist bias’?
    What color is the sky in your world?

  8. Clearly a different color than it is in YOUR world. We call this color “blue”.
    FoxNews is exactly what it presents itself as. State-run news agencies are propaganda arms. If you can’t comprehend the difference, you need to sit and ponder it for a while. Hint: “V�lskische Beobechter”


    Because I have plans for Sunday until later in the afternoon, here’s another open trackback post!
    But FIRST:
    If there is no LINK TO THIS POST, the trackback will be deleted, no exceptions. See this for further information (opens in a new window)…

  10. “Thanks for the Money. Here’s Some Nice Propoganda for You.”

    Kate of Small Dead Animals discusses an article about the BBC in the U.K. that she feels could just as easily have been written about Canada’s CBC. The extreme leftist bias in both cases is not a conspiracy at all;…

  11. CodeTech,
    FoxNews presents itself as the propaganda arm of the Republican party, Bread and Circuses for the anti-intellectual red state rabble.
    What do you think they are?

  12. Naked Ape, anti-intellectual red state bable? Interesting obervation from an anti-democratic, elitist socialist. Honest, workaday, common folk disgust you, but rampant public theft and corruption among your fellow elitist socialists doesn’t hit your radar screen.
    Fox operates in a free market system, not by forcible confiscation of my money. The primary ideological difference between Fox News and CBC/BBC/you? Fox believes in freedom and democracy.

  13. How much of your money has the BBC confiscated lately?
    Don’t get me wrong, I watched Mulrooney and company in action, so I am well aquainted with rampant public theft and corruption. I tend to wait for judicial due process as opposed to trying to get the old mob together with their pitchforks and torches to storm the parliament buildings. I heard quite a lot of the mouth breathing set wanting to lynch our beloved ex-pm back then, I even heard there was an inquiry. Well you know they don’t just have inquiries for innocent men, now do they? Did they ever convict dear Brian of anything? Was that a travesty of justive too?
    By the way, when are you folks going to drop the charade and just start calling yourself Republicans?

  14. Oh, ape, you injure us mortally with your stinging barbs. Where’s Desmond Morris these days, anyway?
