13 Replies to “Advice For Stephen Harper”

  1. Thanks for the link, Kate. I just wrote Mr. Goldstein a thank you letter and sent it off.
    If only there were more like him…

  2. Is it just my imagination or have articles which actually acknowledge the truth of what’s been going on re media / CPC / Harper starting to crop up in the liberal media?
    Is the stench just getting too high?

  3. WildRose, I think you’re giving the MSM too much credit. They can pretty much see the writing on the wall, and how hard it will be to continue justifying this appalling behaviour on the part of the Librano$. The big test will be this week when we see how many of them rush to defend Andrew Coyne’s right to free speech in view of the other outlets that are not being sued yet aired or published snippets of the tape. I still say that whenever possible, we should boycott MSM for unethical journalistic practices. It isn’t too much of a stretch given their apparent bias. I could hug Lorrie Goldstein. I really could.

  4. Iron Lady
    You are likely right – I am a hopeless dreamer!! but will still wait to see what happens next week and what complexion it takes…….should be fun if nothing else!

  5. I agree that Harper should just ignore the MSM. It take all his time (limited resource) when that time should be spent getting out HIS PARTIES message.

  6. Good advice from Lorry G. Thank-you for the link. It just goes to show that MSM really is concerned about what is being said in the Blogsshere – and the Lib outfit can’t control it!! It must have them knashing their collective teeth. The REAL news has been hidden from people for so long that once they started going “out” they quit staying “in”!! What a GREAT thing Judge Gomery did for Canada when he banned Mr. Braut’s testimony – and even GREATER is what Captain Ed did. To Quote Winston Churchill “never in the history of (Canada) has so much been owed to so few”.

  7. I thought I’d never see something like this in the mainstream Canadian media. I am a Lorrie Goldstein fan, now, and will be writing him a thank you e-mail as well.
    I am so sick and tired of reporters spinning every move he makes into a negative. Stephen Harper happens to be a wonderful man with a spotless history, and a career “made” by no one but himself. He is a man of principle and is uncorruptable. Yet somehow, even Adscam gets turned into a negative on him!

  8. Stephen must draw on his own values – Canadian Values, not liberal values (not exclusively I’m sure..), that is what leadership is.
    I remember during the fierce recent US election about how GWB stuck to his guns – protecting the USA at any cost, and sometimes wondering if it was wrong headed. But in the end, people are smarter than we give them credit for, they do know what the bottom line is.

  9. A post on the previous thread: ‘Should it be considered “sexist” to describe a sell-out female politician as “whoring”, I commend these final sentences from the American writer P.J. O’Rourke’s 1991 book on the US government, “Parliament of Whores”:
    “Authority has always attracted the lowest elements in the human race. All through history mankind has been bullied by scum. Those who lord it over their fellows and toss commands in every direction and would boss the grass in the meadows about which way to bend in the wind are the most depraved kind of prostitutes. They will submit to any indignity, perform any vile act, do anything to achieve power. The worst off-sloughings of the planet are the ingredients of soveignty. Every government is a parliament of whores.
    The trouble is, in a democracy, the whores are us.”

  10. If the BBC ceased to exist would their be riots in the streets?
    If the CBC or CTV and to a lesser extent, Global ceased to exist, would their be riots in the streets?
