6 Replies to “Serendipity”

  1. What’s with that kid? I think I’d be looking toward the car, not straight ahead, and I’d definitely be running *away* from it, not the way he is.

  2. While it’s not uncommon for photographers to stake out a location where they know there will be some excitement, this seems a bit weird. The elections start on Sunday, so why would photogs be staking out polling stations this early? I smell a tip-off, too. And since AP encourages their photojournalists to maintain contacts in the local community this is hardly surprising.
    I’m not so concerned about the boy running in the wrong direction as people do stupid things when they’re scared. The direction of the lighting and shadows is consistent and he doesn’t appear to be photoshopped in. If he was, it was a bloody good job as I function at an expert level in the program and I can’t see any signs of it.

  3. Hi Kate,
    The Reuters photo and misinformation covers half the page above the fold in this mornings Edmonton Journal. I guess gloating over the Calgary Herald’s falling for a fake tsumanni photo won’t be so gratifying anymore.
    I wonder if a Ministry of Truth is an emergent property of the MSM monopoly, rather than an active conspiracy.
    Cheers from the freezing drizzle,

  4. Even the MSM has been admitting lately that the US is having success nailing terrorists in Iraq, and that the sophistication of the IEDs has tailed off dramatically. If this is true and if these photographers are the pets of the terrorists, then I would be surprised if tailing the photographers and tracking their phone calls is not a really easy way of finding the bad guys.
    It could be that the terrorists know they are taking a risk but call the photogs anyways – without publicity they have no chance of affecting the elections, because they can’t physically terrorize every block of every neighborhood of the Sunni Triangle.
