Auschwitz Fashion SS

Jeff Goldstein provides the quintessential summation of the number one non-story of the week;

“In fact, my guess is that Gore could have shown up at Auschwitz wearing a suit made from Jackie Mason and trimmed with the ass hair of Woody Allen, and Givhan would have bent over backwards to frame the Democratic VP’s fashion choice as ‘a daring deconstruction of the kind of traditional ceremonial mourning practices that have turned commemorations of singular events like the Holocaust into mundane – and cynically commodified” photo ops for heads of state and /or their proxies.’ Or some such.”


2 Replies to “Auschwitz Fashion SS”

  1. I believe the parka is a USAF model, designed to keep Big Kahuna’s with thinning blood, as warm as they damn well please.Just what the hell was a WaPo fashion writer doing covering this event?
